Energy transition to sustainability in Chile and Brazil: Opportunities and challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Axel Bastián Poque González Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Energy Transition, Power System, Chile, Brazil, Covid-19


This article seeks to explore, adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the Chilean and Brazilian energy transition towards sustainability of 21st century. Subsequently, there are presented the main opportunities and challenges of social, environmental, and technical nature that might determine the development of the electricity systems of both countries after the current crisis will be overcome. The strong positive correlation between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and electricity generation in both countries along this century is evidenced. Thus, the drops experienced in GDP in 2020 had consequences on electricity production. However, non-conventional renewable energies solar and wind have continued to grow in their contribution to electricity production, and consequently, declines in thermoelectric and hydroelectric generation have been experienced. Finally, it is corroborated that in the coming years, elements such as the global sustainability agenda, variations in the water cycle, citizen participation and empowerment, technology costs, the influence of electricity on human development, and socio-environmental conflicts arising from the construction of energy infrastructure will be key players in Chile's and Brazil's electricity sectors


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How to Cite

Poque González, A. B. (2021). Energy transition to sustainability in Chile and Brazil: Opportunities and challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Latin American Journal of Energy Research, 8(1), 1–21.



Transição Energética