Multimodalidade Constitutiva E Estratégias Discursivas Em Práticas De Leitura Mediada
This article focuses on interpretation and compreehension teaching and aims at contributing to its improvement. To that end, the paper is based, methodologically, on practices of mediated reading (GERALDI, 2013), considering the activation of three types of memory, closely linked to a tripartite discursive competence: linguistic, situational and semantic-pragmatic (CHARAUDEAU, 2004). In parallel with Cosson (2010), this work proposes to match the mentioned memories with their corresponding competences, in use in guided reading activities, to the triple taxinonomy that involves text, context and intertext (in a broad sense). Assuming that these categories can be activated through mediated reading tasks, by focusing on linguistic-discursive strategies arranged in organized written textual genres under different levels of multimodal manifestation (DIONÍSIO, 2011), this research presents a didactic proposal for the teaching of reading by the use of an advertisement – a traditional multimodal genre – and of a poem – less visually appealing. Considering the intrinsic multimodality of discursive genres (ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015) and its continuum, this article presents, finally, a theoretical-methodological proposal which deals with the challenges of teaching reading skills and that seeks to surpass them.
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