Deaths avoidable in the elderly in Goiás, Brazil: reflection of the primary health care
Comprehensive Health Care, Mortality, Mortality Registries, Primary Health Care, Aging, Health SystemsAbstract
Introduction: Aging has become a major challenge, understood as a natural process of progressive reduction of the functional reserve of individuals. Objective: To analyze deaths from preventable causes in the elderly population. Method: This is a quantitative, descriptive study. The study was conducted with all the elderly (> = 60 years) who died in the years 2011-2015. Secondary data were available from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System of the Ministry of Health. Data were analyzed. of deaths according to age, sex, color / race, education, marital status, place of occurrence and underlying cause. The results were presented as figures. Results: A total of 106,833 deaths in the period were analyzed. Most of the deaths occurred in 2015, in the age group of 80 years or older, among male white race patients, between one and three years of schooling, married, in hospitals and, as the root causes, circulatory diseases predominated, followed by respiratory diseases and neoplasms. Conclusion: Analysis of the causes of death is essential to help health services and health professionals understand this process, with the purpose of creating effective health promotion and disease prevention actions for the needs of elderly, contributing to the reduction of preventable deaths.
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