Functional profile of the patient after discharge from intensive care unit
Activities of Daily Living, Intensive Care Units, Respiration artificial, Patient Discharge, Recovery of FunctionAbstract
Introduction: Even in the face of the large number of patients who have a post-discharge survival in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), most about complications that affect their functionality. Objectives: To evaluate the functional profile of the patient after discharge from the intensive care unit and to identify the determining factors that influence functionality. Methods: Longitudinal, observational and descriptive study, with a quantitative approach including patients admitted to the ICU of the University Hospital of Sergipe, from August 2018 to March 2020. As a research instrument, the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was used in three moments: on admission to measure functional independence prior to hospital admission, prior to admission to the ICU and immediate discharge from the unit. Results: The sample consisted of 206 patients, including 91 participants. There was a reduction in the FIM on admission to the ICU compared to the previous FIM in hospital and a tendency to increase on discharge, but the values do not return to what was observed before hospitalization. In addition, older patients who used mechanical ventilation for a longer period and with a longer hospital stay were determinant for FIM after ICU discharge. Conclusion: It is concluded that the hospitalization process and the ICU of older patients, and using ventilation with a longer hospital stay, causes a significant reduction in the functionality of these patients.
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