Quality of life of people living with HIV in a support group in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Quality of life, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, InfectologyAbstract
Introduction: It is still possible to observe the reflection that the AIDS pandemic (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) represents since the mid-1980s. This global phenomenon brought with it various forms of prejudice, stigma, changes in the individual’s social, mental and physical relationships, modifying their quality of life (QoL). Objective: To analyze the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with 19 participants, carried out with a group of PLHIV treated at an Infectious and Parasitic Disease Outpatient Clinic (DIP) in Vitória/ES. The WHOQOL-HIV-bref validated questionnaire was used, which aims to assess the QoL of PLHIV, according to their particularities. This questionnaire analyzes physical and psychological aspects, levels of independence, social and environmental relationships and religious aspects/beliefs. Results: There was a higher proportion of females (52.6%), aged between 41-60 years (42.0%), mixed race (42.1%), high school education (36.8%), singles (52.6%) and residents of Greater Vitória (94.7%). As for the WHOQOL-HIV-bref, the best averages obtained were spirituality (15.8), psychological (14.3), level of independence (13.9), physical (13.7), social relationships (13.6) and environment (13.3), respectively. The quality of life of PLHIV can have a direct impact on therapeutic adherence, social interactions, self-perception and on several fundamental areas of the individual’s life. Conclusion: It was concluded that the quality of life was satisfactory, indicating that the PLHIV, demonstrated a good coping with the disease. Faced with the challenges faced by PLHIV, it is extremely important to analyze the QoL of this population to ensure better coping with the disease.
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