Coping strategies, indicators of optimism and posttraumatic growth of the covid-19 pandemic in health care workers




COVID-19, Optimism, Posttraumatic Growth Psychological, Adaptation Psychological, Mental Health


Introduction: Being a health care worker acting in a worldwide sanitary crises can be configured as
a stressful event. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the stressors related to covid-19 and verify
the coping strategies, life orientation and posttraumatic growth correlated to them among health
care workers during the pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study. Thirty-
five health care workers of a convenience sample who were working professionally at the time
of data collect participated. These responded (fully online) to a socialdemographic and professional
characterization questionnaire, the covid-19 Stress Coping Scale — Health Care Workers, the Life
Orientation Test and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. Results: The most mentioned stressors
related to the COVID-19 pandemic were “concern about infecting people in their daily lives” and
“changes in routine”. The use of coping strategies “problem solving” and “information seeking” were
presented as the most used. As for life orientation, the participants were optimistic, with significant
rates of posttraumatic growth. Conclusion: Adaptive strategies added to a more optimistic life orientation
may be contributing to posttraumatic growth in the face of adversity imposed by covid-19.


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How to Cite

Mapa I, Abreu Roveda A, Gevigi de Andrade S, Medeiros de Almeida I, Fiorin Anhoque C, Neves Pessoa Almeida A, et al. Coping strategies, indicators of optimism and posttraumatic growth of the covid-19 pandemic in health care workers. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];25(1):42-5. Available from:



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