Epidemiological profile and degree of fibrosis in chronic carriers of the hepatitis B virus


  • Danielli Souza Sant’Ana
  • Giovanna Barille
  • Ingrid Soares Marques Segal
  • João Vitor Faleiros Barros
  • Lucas Rocha Dalto
  • Giulia Bravim Gonçalves
  • Evelly Dias Pires
  • carolina




Hepatitis B, Hepatic fibrosis, Abdominal ultrasound, API, FIB-4


Introduction: Chronic hepatitis B virus can evolve with serious complications, such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The assessment of liver fibrosis can be performed by direct (liver biopsy) and indirect (APRI/FIB-4) invasive methods. Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile and analyze the degree of hepatic fibrosis in individuals with chronic inactive (Group 1) and compensated (Group 2) chronic hepatitis B. Methods: Cross-sectional study using data from 200 individuals with chronic hepatitis B, between March and August 2022. Results: Of the 200 individuals, 65% were chronically inactive and 35% were active, HBeAg negative. In the first, there was a predominance of females (54.6%), and in the second, males (57.1%). For both, the median age was 53.5 and the majority was of mixed race. Unknown alcoholism history was more frequent in Group 1 (54%), and absent (51%) in Group 2. Mean TGO, TGP and platelets were similar in both groups (p=0.48; 0.91; 0 .59). The mean APRI fibrosis was 0.32 in both groups (p=0.90). The FIB4 was 1.28/1.25 for both groups. The ultrasound evaluation showed normality in 60% of the two groups. Only 0.8%/3.1% of Group 1 had APRI/FIB4 compatible with advanced liver fibrosis (F3-F4). In Group 2, there was a low frequency of advanced liver disease. Conclusion: The epidemiological profile and fibrosis scores in both groups were similar. The prospect of stopping the use of antivirals may be a future alternative.


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How to Cite

Souza Sant’Ana D, Barille G, Soares Marques Segal I, Faleiros Barros JV, Rocha Dalto L, Bravim Gonçalves G, et al. Epidemiological profile and degree of fibrosis in chronic carriers of the hepatitis B virus. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];24(supl_1):13-9. Available from: https://periodicos.ufes.br/rbps/article/view/39708



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