Incidence and mortality estimate of pancreatic diseases hospitalized in the Brazilian Unified Health System


  • Carla Almeida Rodolfo Duarte
  • Paulo Vitor Sant’Anna da Cruz
  • Leonardo Fávaro Pereira
  • Izabelle Venturini Signorelli
  • Luciana Lofêgo Gonçalves
  • Maria da Penha Zago-Gomes



Pancreatitis, Pancreas, Incidence, Mortality, SUS


Introduction: Acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer are the most common pan­creatic diseases. Represent a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Objectives: To ana­lyze the incidence of hospitalization, number of deaths and mortality rate of pancreatic diseases in patients treated in the Unified Health System (SUS), between 2016 and 2020, in different Brazilian regions. Meth­ods: Analysis of hospitalization data for pancreatic diseases, using data from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), calculating incidence using data from the Annual Population Estimate of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, subtracted by the percentage of population with coverage for complementary health, through data from the Supplementary Health Agency. Results: In the period studied, the annual average of hospitalizations in Brazil by the SUS was 33,701 hospitalizations/year, representing 0.82% of hospitalizations. There was an average annual growth of 2.29% in the 05 years studied. In 2019, the incidence of hospitalizations for pancreatic diseases in the SUS was 21.25/100,000 per­sons, the highest in the Southeast region (28.55/100,000) and the lowest in the Northeast (11.59/100,000). Most hospitalizations occurred between 30 and 59 years old, mainly in males. The annual average of deaths in hospitalized patients was 1,711.4/year (5.09% of hospitalizations) and 1.06/100,000 persons, higher in men, with an increase from 55 years of age, mainly over 80 years, with little variation between different Brazilian regions. Conclusion: Pancreatic diseases are neglected diseases, with a large number of hospital­izations and hospital mortality that can be modified if there is early recognition.


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How to Cite

Almeida Rodolfo Duarte C, Sant’Anna da Cruz PV, Fávaro Pereira L, Venturini Signorelli I, Lofêgo Gonçalves L, Zago-Gomes M da P. Incidence and mortality estimate of pancreatic diseases hospitalized in the Brazilian Unified Health System. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];25(supl_2):18-24. Available from:



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