Beyond the magnifying glass: new food labeling rules in Brazil




Food Labeling, Food Consumption, Public Health


This editorial explores the significant updates to food labeling regulations in Brazil implemented by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). The standards, outlined by RDC No. 429/2020 and IN No. 75/2020, mandate front-of-package nutritional labeling, including a magnifying glass symbol to alert consumers about high levels of added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. These measures aim to facilitate product comparison and enhance consumer understanding, promoting healthier food choices. Compliance with these norms must be achieved by April 22, 2024, as stipulated by a judicial decision that expedited the implementation timeline, with extended deadlines for small producers and non-alcoholic beverages in returnable packaging. In addition to discussing the technical details of the changes, the editorial emphasizes the implications of the new regulations, highlighting how social, cultural, and emotional factors influence dietary choices. The text underscores the need for ongoing education and regulatory vigilance to prevent misleading information and ensure that labeling effectively contributes to public health. Lastly, it reflects on global trends in nutritional labeling and its potential to reduce chronic diseases and healthcare costs, thereby increasing awareness of the importance of healthy eating.


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How to Cite

Cattafesta M. Beyond the magnifying glass: new food labeling rules in Brazil. RBPS [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];26(supl_1):9-13. Available from:


