Ágora Journal adopted continuous flow modality


Dear readers and authors

In order to follow the dynamics of updating information in the current world, Ágora Journal adopted the continuous flow modality in the 2020 . The volumes will represent the year and the numbers the four-month period. But the articles will be published when edited, without wait for the closed the issue. At the end of the year, all dossiers, the annual volume and quarterly numbers will be closed. Readers and authors will be able to immediately publish their article on their networks and adopt it as a reference in their research, classes etc. We hope, therefore, to provide the Ágora Journal with the most modern means of periodic publishing.

Note that the indexers are available in the sidebar of the journal's website. There is still a lot to do, but we hope to end the year with our strongest Agora Journal academically and influencing the humanities and applied social sciences area as is its obligation.

Best Regards
