Call for papers for the dossier "Modernisms in Brazil throughout the 20th Century"


Dossier "Modernisms in Brazil throughout the 20th Century" (vol. 35 n. 1 – yr 2024)

to be completed on November 30st 2023.

The organizers intend the studies collected in this dossier to question "modernism" as its concept was fixed to refer to the period inaugurated by the Semana de Arte Moderna in 1922. A mere point of departure, the event turned into a referential of conformity aggregating forces which had been building up within intellectual circles since the late 1910's. We do not intend to limit the interpretation of modernism to the movement initiated by the paulistas, who supposedly reduced the artistic field in other Brazilian states to mere receptacles of their ideas. It should be emphasized that this hegemonical narrative was initiated by the intellectual elites during the decades following the event. It is therefore fundamental to acknowledge that the products of the so-called regional artistical forms of expression had already incorporated new topics, languages and aesthetics. Differences and divergences within the modernisms expressed themselves through more or less blatant ruptures and continuities – such as disagreements about the construction of the Brazilian nationalities and the possibility of "swallowing" foreign influences or of proclaiming a non-colonial "fast". Taking as a basis these initial challenges, the dossier aims at opening a space for studies oriented toward the diversity of modernisms in Brazil, relative to various areas of knowledge (social sciences, humanities, visual arts, architecture, literature, drama, music, etc.), and/or to different historically invisibilized perspectives and subjectivities (women, black people, LGBTQIAPN+, Quilombola, peasants, indigenous and others claiming to have a voice). 

Organizers: Dra. Carina Ferreira Lessa (UNESA), Dr. George Leonardo Seabra Coelho (UFT), Dr. Pedro Libanio Ribeiro de Carvalho (MAE-USP), Dr. Wellington Furtado Ramos (UFMS).

 Deadline:  submissions will be received until November 30st 2023.