The nation imagined by André Rebouças

a Brazil of Pedro II for a Rural Democracy




André Rebouças; nation; D. Pedro II; Rural Democracy; monarchy.


The article analyzes the vision of the Brazilian nation idealized by André Rebouças in two moments: during the years of his involvement in the abolitionist campaign in the 1880s and during the period of his self-exile (1889-1898) after the fall of the monarchy. The first part of the text analyzes the image of the nation constructed by Rebouças as the future result of his social intervention project, aimed at including former slaves and poor immigrants in a Rural Democracy. In his point of view, this imagined community would be more democratic because it would strip away the power of the landowners and guarantee the effective inclusion of marginalized groups in the productive sphere, through access to small land properties. The second part of the text presents the insertion of the figure of D. Pedro II as the hero and protagonist of that model of nation imagined by Rebouças, athwart an idealized vision of the deposed monarchy and its head of state, accompanied by criticism of Republican Brazil.


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Author Biography

Robert Daibert Júnior, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Robert Daibert Junior has a teaching and a bachelor's degree in History from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Masters in History from UNICAMP. Ph.D. in History from UFRJ. Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, where he works in the Postgraduate Program in History and the Postgraduate Program in Science of Religion. His expertise is Brazilian History and Religion, mainly on the following topics: religion in the thoughts of black intellectuals; religion and writing the self; African religion and literature; religion, slavery, and abolitionism; religious experiences of enslaved people. He is the coordinator of the Research Center on African and Afro-Brazilian Religions (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Religiões Africanas e Afro-brasileiras, NUPRAAB-UFJF) and member of the Laboratory of Oral History and Image/Afrikas (Laboratório de História Oral e Imagem/Afrikas, LABHOI/AFRIKAS-UFJF). His research is integrated to the Past Presents Project: the memory of enslavement and Brazil after the aboliton (Projeto Passados Presentes: memória da escravidão e do pós-abolição no Brasil), a research network that involves LABHOI/UFF, the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh (CLAS-PITT-USA) and the Centre International de Recherches sur les Esclavages (CIRESC) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS/France). He is a Consultant for the Past Presents Project: Afro-indigenous Heritage and Memories in Minas Gerais (Projeto Passados Presentes: Patrimônios e Memórias Afro-indígenas em Minas Gerais)


Obras Gerais

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How to Cite

DAIBERT JÚNIOR, Robert. The nation imagined by André Rebouças: a Brazil of Pedro II for a Rural Democracy . Ágora Journal, Vitória/ES, v. 35, p. e-20243521, 2024. DOI: 10.47456/e-20243521. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.



Imagining the Nation: Brazilian Intellectuals in the Long 19th Century