Familism and youth: notes about working with young people in socio-education


  • Bárbara Leite Pereira Colombi Tribunal de Justiça do Espírito Santo
  • Claudio Henrique Miranda Horst Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




The article reflects on the contradictory relationship between the state socio-educational policy, aimed at young people between 18 and 21 years, and the family. It is based on a systematization of professional practice and a comparative literature review. The limits of the Brazilian State and the family strategy aimed at the public stand out. Finally, it concludes that the intended audience, young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, without a family, and who are complying with socio-educational measures, become funneled into situations in which they become disposable, sometimes due to the lack of a family bonds and sometimes due to ineffectiveness of state action.


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Author Biography

Claudio Henrique Miranda Horst, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Assistente Social, Mestre em Política Social pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo e Doutorando em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Integrante do Grupo de Estudos em Políticas Públicas Fênix/UFES e do Núcleo de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar Sociedade, Família e Políticas Sociais (NISFAPS/UFSC).



How to Cite

Colombi, B. L. P., & Horst, C. H. M. (2021). Familism and youth: notes about working with young people in socio-education. Argumentum, 13(1), 199–212. https://doi.org/10.47456/argumentum.v13i1.28644