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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB)
  • URLs for references have been provided when available.

Author Guidelines

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.




General Guidelines

The text alignment must have justified formatting, without headers, footers, footnotes or page numbers. The paper format must be A4, with top and bottom, right and left margins of 2.5 cm. The document's font is Calibri, size 12. Paragraphs are not indented, with 0 pt spacing beforehand. and, later, of 3 pt. Line spacing is 1.0, except in special cases. Sections can have subsections and these still have three more levels of subdivisions. As an example: 4.2.3.

All information related to the manuscript (Title, keywords, language and abstract, in lower case and Portuguese, English and Spanish) must be filled in the Journal's system by the corresponding author at the time of submission. It is also required to fill in all fields related to the co-authors: Full Name, E-mail, lattes, Orcid,, Institution/Affiliation and Brief Biography (From Lattes, for example). All authors must be registered.

After the reviewers have properly evaluated the manuscript, in addition to following the referees' suggestions, it is mandatory to check for signs of plagiarism using the CopySpider® Software, available at , and send us the report showing that the article has a maximum of 2,5% similarity with other files (and justification if greater than 2,5%). It is also mandatory to send a report showing signs of the use of generative artificial intelligence in the text of the article through the GPT Zero Software,, pointing out that the article was written by a human.

The current system used by the journal requires the author(s) to nominate 3 potential reviewers for their manuscript, and they must not belong to their institution. The indication must occur in the field "Author's Comments" or as "Docs. sup.", containing: Full Name, Title, E-mail and Institution/Affiliation. The author(s) may also nominate non-preferred reviewers. It is up to the Managing Editor to accept or not this indication.

GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT - OPTIONAL, as BJPE will send files (PT, EN, ES) for prior approval before publication.

It consists of a single, simple and easy-to-understand summary of the main results and conclusions of the article. It aims to present, in a single image, the history of the research, representing the main idea of ​​the study, making it possible to fully understand it regardless of the reading of the published manuscript. Graphical Abstract is a way to communicate complex concepts, details and subjects in an engaging and easily understandable way to appeal to readers. Possible programs for the creation of Graphical Summaries: Powerpoint®, Canva®, Genially®, BioReder®, Paint Microsoft®, Chemdraw®, Inkscape®, Mind The graph®, Adobe Photoshop and ilustrator®, among others.


  • It is OPTIONAL to send the versions (Portuguese, Spanish and English) of the Graphical Abstract before the publication of the article;
  • Provide high-resolution, full-color images;
  • Use the same font for all content (Calibri);
  • Use distinct colors to provide comparable great visibility;
  • Images must be prepared in the size you expect them to appear on the cover of the manuscript and made available online (Standard Landscape - Resolution 1280 x 720) IM2Go®.
  • File Type: Preferred file types are PNG or JPG files.

Figure 1. Captions must be complete sentences, which guide you to clearly understand the text and the context of the data. Not a simple: “ Figure 1. Representation of the Graphical Abstract below”.

Source: BJPE (2023).

Figure 2. Captions must be complete sentences, which guide you to clearly understand the text and the context of the data.

Source: BJPE (2023).


Tables, Charts, Graphs, Images and Illustrations

Same font as the body text, centered, size 10, line spacing 1.0, leading and trailing spacing of 0 pt. Captions positioned at the top and Authors below, Size 12, line spacing 1.0, front and rear spacing 0 pt. The use of Equations and Tables must follow the guidelines described above, common sense and, preferably, the ethics and axiology of the scientific community that discusses the themes of the manuscript. As for Images and Illustrations (“Image format” - “Corrections” - “Sharpness of 50%” / “Quick Style”- “Rectangle with central shadow”). As shown in the Figures above the Graphical Abstract.



Universe of insertion of higher education in engineering (undergraduate, graduate, research and extension) and its related areas, from a systemic approach encompassing the management of educational systems in all its aspects: the training of people (faculty and staff) admnistrative technician); the pedagogical didactic organization, especially the pedagogical course project; teaching / learning methodologies and means. Due to the characteristics contained in this specialty, it can be considered as "Pedagogical Engineering", which seeks to consolidate these issues, as well as, it aims to present as concrete results of the activities developed, viable alternatives for organizing courses for the improvement of teaching activity, field in that the teacher is already intensely involved without finding an adequate structure to deepen his reflections and investigations.

- Engineer Training Study

- Study of the Development and Application of Research and Extension in Engineering

- Study of Ethics and Professional Practice in Engineering

- Pedagogical Practices and Evaluation Teaching-Learning Process in Engineering

- Management and Evaluation of Educational Systems for Engineering Courses



In the context of hydrocarbon exploration, Brazil has seen its reserves grow significantly with prospecting in deep and ultra-deep waters, more recently a new frontier stands out: the pre-salt; which placed Brazil among the countries with the largest hydrocarbon reserves. However, the challenges inherent to the exploration of these reserves are many. In this sense, this line of research seeks to add knowledge with the development of the following groups:
-Geo-engineering of oil and gas reservoir; that in addition to involving geosciences, they include modeling studies of complex flows in porous media in order to improve hydrocarbon recovery techniques;
-Production and processing of oil and gas, combining efforts in the characterization of oils and emulsions, drilling and completion operations, elevation and flow, primary processing and refining;
-Development and application of computer systems and electronic prototypes to support the exploration and / or production of oil, gas and renewable energy.


In line with the reality of the Brazilian energy sector, this line of research seeks to contribute to works that are directly involved with energy efficiency, such as:
-Development of materials: synthesis and characterization of nanoparticulate materials applied to industry; new materials used in energy technology;
-Optimization and logistics of energy systems;
- Modeling and simulation of energy processes;
- Process engineering: characterization of materials, development and optimization of separation and refining processes applied to the chemical and petroleum industry, use of chemical and biochemical reactors used in the production of biofuels.


Agriculture is the sector responsible for a third of the Brazilian gross domestic product, this fact alone justifies a great demand for research, development and technological innovation as important tools for the integral and sustainable growth of Brazilian agribusiness. There are three factors linked to agricultural production: the physical, such as the soil and the climate; the human factor, which corresponds to labor in its development; and the economic factor, which refers to the value of the land and the level of technologies applied in production.
In this sense, we invite authors to submit contributions that can add significantly through theoretical and experimental research, development of agricultural production techniques, innovation of agricultural processes and technology transfer in the areas of phytotechnics, soils, agricultural systems engineering, rural development, rural economy, sustainable agriculture and family farming.


Planning for the efficient use of natural resources in various production systems, the destination and treatment of waste and effluents from these systems, as well as the implementation of an environmental management and social responsibility system.

- Environmental management

- Environmental Management Systems and Certification

- Management of Natural and Energy Resources

- Effluent and Industrial Waste Management

- Cleaner production and eco-efficiency

- Social responsability

- Sustainable development


Planning, design and control of quality management systems that consider process management, the factual approach to decision making and the use of quality tools.

- Quality Systems Management

- Planning and Quality Control

- Standardization, Auditing and Certification for Quality

- Metrological Quality Organization

- Reliability of Processes and Products


Food is essential to human and animal survival, with food processing techniques deserving to be highlighted in society constantly, whether through culinary programs, reality shows or the food industry.

Through gastronomy it is possible to rescue and maintain the memory of a people, the identity rescue of past civilizations, and is even an important tourist segment. The Ministry of Tourism has been working on the formation of the National Gastronomic Tourism Program, with a set of actions that aims to promote this segment and effect Brazil as a reference destination in gastronomy.

Gastronomy is also linked to pleasure, hospitality, well-being and curiosity for the preparation of different menus, how to do it and minimizing losses as much as possible.

Gastronomy and food engineering are crucial for the correct preparation and transformation of food, aiming to minimize losses and seeking to develop sustainable gastronomy techniques while studying the process of handling, conservation, durability and processes involving the manufacture of food. These processes increase the durability of food so that it can be consumed at any time of the year and in any region of Brazil and the world.


Fisheries and Aquaculture: Management, Policy and Innovation"
Fishing and Aquaculture is one of the main activities in Brazil and is practiced in all its extension, in a diversity of habitats, such as in the coastal region, on the high seas, rivers, lakes, mangroves, shores and reservoirs. This theme has been gaining space in the literature, providing a theoretical and consistent basis for the activity to develop, with innovative proposals for the countless challenges encountered today.


Projects, operations and improvements to the systems that create and deliver the company's primary products (goods or services).

- Production and Operations Systems Management

- Production Planning, Programming and Control

- Maintenance management

- Factory and Industrial Installations Project: industrial organization, layout / physical arrangement

- Discrete and Continuous Productive Processes: procedures, methods and sequences

- Method Engineering


Set of tools and processes of design, planning, organization, decision and execution involved in the strategic and operational activities of development of new products, comprising from conception to the launch of the product and its withdrawal from the market with the participation of the various functional areas of the company .

- Product Development Management

- Product Development Process

- Product Planning and Design


Project, improvement, implementation and evaluation of tasks, work systems, products, environments and systems to make them compatible with the needs, skills and abilities of people aiming at the best quality and productivity, preserving health and physical integrity. Their knowledge is used to understand the interactions between humans and other elements of a system. It can also be said that this area deals with the technology of the machine - environment - man - organization interface.

- Work Design and Organization

- Ergonomics

- Health and Safety Management Systems

- Occupational Accident Risk Management


Formulation, estimation and evaluation of economic results to evaluate alternatives for decision making, consisting of a set of mathematical techniques that simplify economic comparison.

- Economic Management

- Costs management

- Investment Management

- Risk management


Set of knowledge related to the management of organizations, encompassing in its topics strategic and operational planning, production strategies, entrepreneurial management, intellectual property, organizational performance assessment, information systems and their management and productive arrangements.

- Strategic and Organizational Management

- Project management

- Organizational Performance Management

- Information management

- Business Networks

- Innovation management

- Technology Management

- Knowledge management

Management & Tourism

Tourism is considered one of the main players in world trade, this because it moves, in its production chain, several sectors of the economy to permeate the three sectors of the market, generating direct, indirect and induced economic effects. In addition to the economic aspect, tourism impacts, influences and is influenced by other dimensions of sustainability, namely: ecology, society, space and culture. In view of this, the players in the tourism segment demand research, development and innovations to leverage the sector in an integral and sustainable way, both nationally and internationally. In this sense, the Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering (BJPE) provides this section with a focus on tourism. The objective of this edition is to publish and disseminate scientific works for society, based on tourism research developed in the axes of case study and management and tourism offer. Thus, this section intends to present in a clear and interdisciplinary way that the contributions of the scientific community can help managers and other tourism professionals in the choice or formulation of efficient strategies and policies for decision-making.


The relations between public organizations and people are increasingly complex, and this can be attributed to the existence of a large number of dimensions and variables that surround this important area of ​​administration. For this reason, this special edition will address interdisciplinary themes on Public Management related to Politics, Planning and Public Governance, Technology, Innovation and Operations.


Presentation of results of research works in the areas of:

- Semantic web, open data and connected data;

- Technologies applied to information and knowledge systems, products and services;

- Transformation and management of information and knowledge;

- Business Intelligence tools;

- Visualization of data, information and knowledge.


Techniques for dealing with the main issues involving transportation, handling, stock and storage of inputs and products, aiming at cost reduction, guarantee of product availability, as well as meeting the levels of customer requirements.

- Supply Chain Management

- Inventory Management

- Logistics Systems Design and Analysis

- Business logistics

- Transport and Physical Distribution

- Reverse logistic


Section designed for manuscripts with short and direct writing and aimed at elucidating or scientific technical positioning to meet specific demand, relevance or methodological issues exclusive to the other sections and scope of the BJPE.


Resolution of real problems involving decision-making situations, through mathematical models usually computationally processed. It applies concepts and methods from other scientific disciplines to the conception, planning or operation of systems to achieve its objectives. Thus, it seeks to introduce elements of objectivity and rationality in the decision-making processes, without neglecting the subjective and organizational framework elements that characterize the problems.

- Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

- Mathematical Programming

- Decision-making processes

- Stochastic Processes

- Game Theory

- Demand Analysis

- Computational Intelligence


Technological innovations for health are increasingly of paramount importance for advancing the treatment of various diseases. For this reason, this special edition will address several areas, to promote greater interdisciplinarity on the theme, themes on clinical engineering, hospital management, biomedical management, medical and pharmaceutical health, telemedicine, virtual reality in health, artificial intelligence in health, printer will be addressed 3d, among other related topics.

Special Edition "Public Management - PPGGP/UFES"

The increasing complexity of relationships between public organizations and individuals can be attributed to the large number of factors and factors that influence this important area of administration. As a result, this special edition will address public management topics involving politics, planning and public governance, technology, innovation and operations. Therefore, we hope that this beautiful collection of articles will be a valuable framework to stimulate future research in this vibrant area of knowledge.

Great reading everyone!

Dr. Rodrigo Randow de Freitas - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES/Ceunes

Prof. Dr. Wellington Gonçalves - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES/Ceunes

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