Feasibility analysis of road maintenance with floor management software: application of the hdm-4 on the BR 010 / MA highway


  • Marlice Magalhães Ramos Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes
  • André Luís de oliveira Cavaignac Universidade CeumaUnversidade Federal do Maranhão
  • José Manuel Mayor Gonzalez Instituto Politécnico da Guarda


Highways; Management; Conservation; Maintenance.


The best moment for interventions, with a rational selection process for priority stretches, generates an effective investment allocation, prioritizing preventive maintenance and small corrections and bringing benefits to the whole society. For this purpose, the Pavement Management System (PMS) was used as a tool to better monitor and manage resources for the road infrastructure, especially on the Federal Highway BR-010 / MA, segment 260.8 km to km 319.8. Anomalies existing in the segment under study were identified, reporting the causes of their appearance. Then, through the SGP, a solution was proposed to correct the problems encountered, seeking the best cost benefit. As for the pavement situation, it was observed that the fact of having been without a maintenance contract for five months, during the rainy season in the region, accelerated the deterioration process, proving the need for a continued investment policy and an effective management of resources public and corroborating the hypothesis of PMS implantation to have interferences at the right time, generating less expense to public coffers, road users and final consumers by reducing the cost of freight. In addition to less impact on the environment. The alternative that presents the best Internal Rate of Return - IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is CREMA 2. In the first stretch, the IRR is 288.2, 68% higher than Restoration and 107% higher than Reconstruction. In the second section, the IRR is 388.6, 72% higher than Restoration and 198% higher than Reconstruction.


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Author Biographies

Marlice Magalhães Ramos, Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University of Maranhão (1998). Specialist in Civil Construction by the Faculty of Technology of Alagoas. Executive MBA in Business Administration with Emphasis in Management from FGV. He is currently an Analyst in Transport Infrastructure at the National Department of Transport Infrastructure, being Head of Service at the Local Unit of Imperatriz (MA). Specialist in Civil Construction. Specialist in Business Administration with emphasis in Management. Transport Infrastructure Analyst at DNIT. Head of the Imperatriz Local Unit – MA.

André Luís de oliveira Cavaignac, Universidade CeumaUnversidade Federal do Maranhão

Graduated in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Maranhão (2011), Specialist in Occupational Safety Engineering from Faculdade Pitágoras (2013), Master in Materials Science from the Federal University of Maranhão (2015), PhD student in Materials Science from the University Federal do Maranhão (2019 - ). He has experience in Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermal characterization (TG, DSC and DTA), with publications in international conferences and journals. He also has experience in the chemical transformation industry as an industrial manager and technical manager, with an emphasis on Unit Operations and Transport Phenomena, and Occupational Safety Engineering. He currently works as a professor of engineering courses at Ceuma University - Campus Imperatriz.

José Manuel Mayor Gonzalez, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda

PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Minho (Portugal). Adjunct Professor of the Curricular Unit of Engineering Project - Modulo de Vias - at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda – Portugal.


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How to Cite

Magalhães Ramos, M., Cavaignac, A. L. de oliveira, & Mayor Gonzalez, J. M. (2020). Feasibility analysis of road maintenance with floor management software: application of the hdm-4 on the BR 010 / MA highway. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(3), 75–87. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufes.br/bjpe/article/view/28919

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