Benthic macrofauna under the effect of net cage fish farming in the São Mateus River, southeastern Brazil




Environmental quality, anthropic impact, BMWP’, organic enrichment


The rapid growth of fish farming in Brazil is due to the high degree of profitability and rapid return on investment. However, the choice of an unfavourable location for the implementation of network tanks can result in the production of low-quality effluents, low concentration of dissolved oxygen, high concentrations of organic matter, nutrients and suspended solids, which affect aquatic environments. In this way, the monitoring of the benthic community can be used as an environmental assessment tool, reflecting changes in the physical, chemical and ecological conditions of the place. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the macrobenthic community under net cage in a stretch of the São Mateus river, ES, in order to detect possible changes resulting from this activity. Five samplings were carried out between February 2011 and May 2012, at four sampling points: under the fish tank, on the opposite marge, 500m upstream and 500m downstream. The samples were collected with a Van Veen grab and the macrofauna was quantified and identified in the laboratory. 195 individuals were found and Oligochaeta and Chironomidae were most abundant. Only temporal variations were detected. The BMWP index showed that the environmental quality of the entire study area is very critical, demonstrating that the environmental degradation of the river caused by several factors, including the release of organic effluents, seems to compromise the local benthic fauna much more than the fish farming itself.


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Author Biographies

Jociane Liandro Rezeno, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES

Specialist in Environmental Management from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (2018). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2012). She has experience in Marine Ecology with an emphasis on Benthic Ecology, working mainly on the following topics: macrofauna and meiofauna.

Nálita Maria Scamparle Teodoro, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2013) and master's degree in Zoology from the Federal University of Paraná (2016). She is currently a PhD student in Animal Biology at the State University of Campinas (2018) and studies the phylogeography of Lumbrineridae annelids.

Karla Gonçalves da Costa, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES

He holds a degree in Biological Sciences (2000) and a Master's degree in Animal Biology (2004) from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and a PhD in Biological Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG - 2008). She is currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Sciences (CEUNES) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), teaching disciplines for the Biological Sciences courses (bachelor and degree). She has experience in Marine Ecology, with emphasis on Benthic Community, working mainly on the following topics: macrofauna, meiofauna and Nematoda.


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How to Cite

Rezeno, J. L., Teodoro, N. M. S., & Costa, K. G. da. (2020). Benthic macrofauna under the effect of net cage fish farming in the São Mateus River, southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(8), 1–13.