Prevalence of violence against women in the Northeast: a public health issue




Violence; Woman; Public health.


Introduction: Violence against women is a global phenomenon that does not respect race, religion or social class. It is characterized by the use of words or actions that hurt as people and can result in injury, suffering and even death. It is a major social problem that knows no geographical barriers and is spreading throughout the world. Objective: Analyze the prevalence of violence against women in the Northeast and its impacts on public health. Methodology: an integrative literature review, in which the LILACS and SCIELO databases were used for research through Health Sciences Descriptors. As inclusion criteria, they were selected as publications in Portuguese and English, available in full and included in the time frame of the last 7 years. Conclusion: the results showed that violence against women is a serious social problem, but that every day it also becomes a serious public health problem. The services offered by Primary Health Care are essential for the identification of occurrences of violence against women. For the identification process to be successful, it is necessary that the health professionals responsible for care are trained. Many doctors, nurses and responsible health workers are not familiar with the topic. There are also professionals who readily identify the situation of violence, but feel powerless. Very often, the victim does not consider that a problem of domestic violence should be analyzed and recognized as a problem related to the health system.


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Author Biographies

Renata Torres Martins, Faculdade Santa Maria

PhD from the Faculty of Medical Sciences Santa Casa- FCMSCSP- Master in Nursing from
Federal University of Paraíba (2013). Specialist in Public Health from the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences (2008). Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraíba (2003). teacher at
Faculdade Santa Maria; Member of the Study and Research Group on Masculinities and Health. Has
experience in the field of Public Health Nursing and works mainly on the following topics: nursing education, sexual health and reproductive health, health education, women's health, men's health and primary care.

Macerlane de Lira Silva, Faculdade Santa Maria

She holds a degree in Nursing from FSM Cajazeiras, a specialization in policy and care management with an emphasis on matrix support from UFPB and a master's degree in Collective Health from UNISANTOS. He acted as a Tutor in the specialization course in Family Health and management of lines of care at UFPB, campus João Pessoa. He is currently a professor at Faculdade Santa Maria de Cajazeiras, local coordinator of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Collective Health, member of the Research Ethics Committee at UFCG Campus Cajazeiras/PB and volunteer at the Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled in Cajazeiras?PB. He has experience in the areas of Epidemiology, Collective Health, Health Management, Family Health and Women's Health.

Ocilma Barros de Quental, Faculdade Santa Maria

He holds a PhD in Health Sciences from Centro Universitário Saúde ABC (2019). Master's Degree in Health Sciences from Centro Universitário Saúde ABC (2014). Specialization in Family Health, by Faculdades Integradas de Patos. Specialization in Preceptorship at SUS, (Sírio Libanês), Specialization in Active Methodologies with emphasis on Competence Assessment (Sírio Libanês); Specialization in Higher Education Teaching (Faculdade Santa Maria); Graduation in Nursing from Faculdade Santa Maria (2007). She is currently a professor at Faculdade Santa Maria (PB) and Coordinator of the Permanent Education Nucleus at the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras. She acted as Tutor of the Specialization course in Sanitary Surveillance Management in the Syrian-Lebanese Health Regions. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on the process of caring for Women's and Adolescents' Health, Management in Primary Care and Public Health.

Igor de Sousa Gabriel, Faculdade Santa Maria

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Paraíba (2007). Specialist in Family and Community Medicine with Medical Residency at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) - Campus Cajazeiras. He is currently a family health strategy physician at the Municipality of Cajazeiras and professor at Faculdade Santa Maria de Cajazeiras. He has experience in Public Health, with an emphasis on Family and Community Medicine


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How to Cite

Martins, R. T., Silva, M. de L., Quental, O. B. de, & Gabriel, I. de S. (2020). Prevalence of violence against women in the Northeast: a public health issue. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(7), 150–172.




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