Fish and fishing in the Doce river basin, a bibliometric analysis


  • Mayra Jankowsky Instituto de Pesca
  • Raphaela Martins de Carvalho Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa do Agronegócio
  • Vanielle Aparecida do Patrocinio Gomes Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa do Agronegócio
  • Rodrigo Randow de Freitas Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo, Departamento de Engenharias e Tecnologia.



Biodiversity, environmental impacts, bibliometrics


Rio Doce watershed is recognized as hotspot with high biological and sociocultural diversity. Region is recognized by the collapse of the Fundão dam, in 2015. In this context, bibliometric evaluation of publications in the Rio Doce watershed was carried out, from 1969 to June 2020, verifying the changes that occurred, main study areas and gaps in knowledge. The analysis was done in a quantitative way, while the analysis of the publications related to ichthyofauna and fisheries was carried out in a qualitative way. The results show a change in focus among the research carried out in the Rio Doce watershed, after the dam burst. In relation to ichthyofauna, it is notorious the large number of species discovered in the upper and middle Rio Doce, as well as the impact of the introduction of alien species, in contrast to little research on fishing. Conversely, in the coastal region, there are researches on fishing, in contrast to low research number about diversity. There is consensus on the severity of damage caused by Fundão dam rupture, as the studies related to contamination reveal the harmful effects on ichthyofauna throughout the length of the Rio Doce watershed, as well as in the coastal zone. Finally, the impact on fishing is pointed out linked to contamination, fishing prohibition, devaluation of fish, difficulty in repair and recognition of the damage caused. Factors aggravated by low social conditions, lack of infrastructure, and low investment in artisanal fishing to the detriment of major works.


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Author Biographies

Raphaela Martins de Carvalho, Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa do Agronegócio

Bachelor and Licentiate in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP). Specialist in Environmental Management from USP, analyzing the contributions of the National Policy on Solid Waste to improve the management and disposal of household solid waste in small municipalities. Master in Science from the Graduate Program in Sustainability (concentration area: Environmental Management) at USP, analyzing the quality of location alternatives in Environmental Impact Studies of the sugar and alcohol sector in the state of São Paulo, and the contributions of Agroenvironmental Zoning in the Environmental Licensing processes with Environmental Impact Assessment. Currently, she works as Field Supervisor in the Project for Monitoring and Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishing Activity in Rio Doce and on the Coast of Espírito Santo, which aims to evaluate the evolution of the interference of the rupture of the Fundão Dam in Mariana - MG on the communities fisheries. It is also part of the Sustainable Ufes Extension Program, which aims to contribute to building more sustainable societies through the development of socio-environmental projects.

Vanielle Aparecida do Patrocinio Gomes, Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa do Agronegócio

Graduated in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo at São Mateus campus, E.S. / UFES-CEUNES. Post-Graduate in Public Law with emphasis in Public Management with training for Higher Education at Faculdade Damásio at the Colatina-ES Unit Master's student in Energy at the Federal University of Espírito Santo at São Mateus campus, E.S. / UFES-CEUNES. Highlights include textual productions and research activities on Identification and Characterization of Social, Economic and Environmental Potential; Multicriteria decision-making method - AHP; Fishing Activity; Energy Efficiency and Wind Energy.

Rodrigo Randow de Freitas, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo, Departamento de Engenharias e Tecnologia.

Currently Adjunct Professor of the Production Engineering course on an exclusive dedication basis at the Federal University of Espírito Santo on the São Mateus campus, E.S. / UFES-CEUNES (2015). Doctor by the Graduate Program in Aquaculture by the Federal University of Rio Grande Foundation (FURG) in 2011; Master in Aquaculture from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006); Specialization in Environmental Education and Management (Faculdade Saberes - 2003); and Graduation in Business Administration: emphasis on systems analysis (Faculty of Human Sciences of Vitória - 2001). Experience in the area of Environmental Management and Coastal Management, Management of processes and products, analysis of production chains and Strategic Planning. In particular for the Engineering area, several articles, summaries and projects executed and in progress stand out.


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How to Cite

Jankowsky, M., Carvalho, R. M. de, Gomes, V. A. do P., & Freitas, R. . R. de. (2021). Fish and fishing in the Doce river basin, a bibliometric analysis. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(8), 14–40.

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