Evaluation of recycled oil refining techniques for biodiesel production





Biodiesel; Recycled oil; refining; innovation;


Recycled oil is a raw material option for the production of biodiesel. It has environmental and economic advantages, but there are disadvantages in the production of biodiesel, such as the presence of residues from the oxidation reactions that occur during frying. The recycled oil arrives at the biodiesel producer with these impurities and acidity above the desired standard. Therefore, it needs additional treatments, such as chemical neutralization. This process is widely used by oilseed industries and biodiesel producers, but it has disadvantages for treating oils with high acidity. Environmentally correct and innovative treatments for oils have been the subject of recent research aiming at lower impacts on the raw material and the formation of residues (or formation of higher value-added co-products). This study aimed to present physical refining as an substitute process for treating recycled oils in the biodiesel production process, performing a comparative evaluation as chemical refining, through determinations of yield and physicochemical parameters. The results obtained showed that the physical refining treatment resulted in a 32.59% reduction in the acidity index, while the chemical refining treatment was 92.11%, both in relation to the acidity index of the initial oil. On the other hand, the comparison of yield between the two techniques showed that the physicist showed an increase of 51.09% in relation to the chemical, without causing the formation of sludge and residues. Through physical refining there was the formation of free fatty acids that can have several industrial applications in fine chemistry as opposed to chemical.


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Author Biographies

Carmem Cícera Maria da Silva, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES, Brasil

Graduated in Chemistry with Technological Attributions from the Federal University of Piauí (2003), Master's in Chemistry from the Federal University of Piauí (2006), PhD in Environmental Science and Technology from the Federal University of Grande Dourados (2019) and post-doctoral internship in progress at UFES (2020) I have experience in the field of Chemistry, with emphasis on Organic Chemistry (Undergraduate Research, Master's and part of the Doctorate) and Physical Chemistry (part of the Master's and Doctorate), working mainly on the following topics: biodiesel, Cenostigma macrophyllum, safety, environment and health, quality tools, quality inspector and coping with Covid 19. From 2005 to 2015 I worked in the management of industrial processes such as Biodiesel, Oil Refining, Tanneries and Mining.

Gustavo Graciano Fonseca, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais.

He holds a degree and a master's degree in Food Engineering (FURG, 2000 and UFSC, 2003, respectively) and a PhD in Biotechnology (USP, 2007). He carried out a doctoral and post-doctoral internship at the University of Saarland (Germany), where he worked on Analysis of Metabolic Flows in Yeasts, with professors Christoph Wittmann and Elmar Heinzle. Between 2013 and 2014 he carried out a post-doctorate at the Federal Technological Institute of Zurich (Switzerland), where he studied mechanisms of allosteric regulation through Quantitative Metabolic Dynamics in bacteria, with Professor Uwe Sauer. He is a professor at UFGD, working mainly in the following areas: biochemical engineering, metabolic engineering, bioprocess engineering and biotechnology, with the following topics: microbial physiology, analysis of metabolic fluxes with labeled carbon, biomass, bioethanol, biodiesel, biopolymers, microalgae, fish and waste. He advises in the Doctoral Programs in Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Master's and Doctorate in Environmental Science and Technology and Master's in Food Science and Technology at UFGD.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. C. M. da, & Fonseca, G. G. (2021). Evaluation of recycled oil refining techniques for biodiesel production. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(2), 169–176. https://doi.org/10.47456/bjpe.v7i2.35513




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