Proposal of a framework for aligning innovation initiatives with a focus on consumers and core competencies




Innovation, core competencies, focus on consumer, canvas


Context: Innovation in organizations is a topic that has been intensely discussed, however, the need to create a construct that verifies the effectiveness of innovation initiatives is identified, by analyzing their alignment with core competencies and the focus on consumer.

Objective: This work aims to propose a framework that verifies the alignment of organizational innovation initiatives with their core competencies and focus on the consumer, such elements are part of the construction of competitive advantage, as proposed by Agostinho (1995, 2012, 2014).

Method: The proposed framework was determined through bibliographical research and verified its validity and application in a single case study in an organization in the field of diagnostic medicine, using the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas tools for mapping purposes. core competencies and consumer focus respectively, relating them to innovation initiatives.

Results: The representation with the Business Model Canvas was effective in determining the organization's core competencies. The Value Proposition Canvas allowed an analytical view of the context of customer segments, enabling an analysis of the focus on the consumer. By applying the framework, it is possible to verify the alignment between the qualitative elements present in these two constructs and the innovation initiatives, in product and in process.

Conclusion: The proposed framework was effective in verifying the alignment between the elements of core competencies, consumer focus and innovation, allowing a holistic view and evaluating the harmony between these elements.


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Author Biographies

Randal Victor Gibbin, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Graduated in Agricultural Engineering from FEAGRI/UNICAMP (1997), MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EBAPE/EPGE (2003), professional master's degree in Strategic Manufacturing Planning and Management from FEM/UNICAMP (2005) and certified by the Project Management Institute as PMP (Project Management Professional). He works as a business consultant at Critério Lógico Inteligencia Empresarial Consulting and in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. His studies focus on the areas of Strategic Management, Financial Management, Production Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Design Thinking, Decision Support Systems and Project Management.

Oswaldo Luiz Agostinho, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1966), Master's in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1979) and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1985), Free Teaching in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas Currently is an associate professor at the State University of Campinas, and a professor at the University of São Paulo. In business activities, he was Corporate Manager of Information Technology at Eaton South America; he is currently the owner of ORA Consultoria em Gestão Empresarial Ltda. The research lines are Competitiveness, Strategies linked to Competitiveness, Technology Management for Competitiveness, Flexibility and Integration of Production Systems, Process Planning, Automation, Strategies for Competitiveness.

Carlos Roberto Campos, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Graduated in Logistics Technology from the University of Sorocaba. Specialist in Industrial Management and Post Graduate in Methodologies and Management in Distance Education. He works as a Nuclear Technologies Development Analyst at the Centro Tecnológico da Marinha in São Paulo. Responsible for Project Management of Manufacturing and Assembly of Electromechanical Enterprises. Operational PMO in the Brazilian Navy. Specialist Professor at Anhanguera Educacional S/A and Uniesp. Invited professor in the Postgraduate courses in Project Management - PMI Practices at Senac. Associate Professor at the Pecege Esalq Institute/USP. Content teacher at Delinea Tecnologia Educacional.Volunteer at PMI-SP (Branch Sorocaba). Independent Consultant affiliated to the Regional Board of Directors. Experience in Administration, Business Logistics, Management Processes, Project Management, Logistics and Supply Chain


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How to Cite

Gibbin, R. V., Agostinho, O. L., & Campos, C. R. (2021). Proposal of a framework for aligning innovation initiatives with a focus on consumers and core competencies. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(5), 279–298.

