Improvement in the inventory management process in a textile industry: a case study


  • Emmanuel Belga Rodrigues Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases - UNIS-MG
  • Maria Eduarda Belga Rodrigues Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases - UNIS-MG
  • Mário César Fialho de Oliveira Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – UNIS MG
  • Sanderson Rocha de Abreu Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – UNIS MG
  • Antônio Elízio de Oliveira FIC - Faculdade Integradas de Cataguases - Grupo UNIS



Continuous Review System, Periodic Review System, Inventory Performance Indicators, Inventory Management


The study and design of inventory management models, based on continuous review and periodic review methodologies, allows us to evaluate the most efficient way to control stock, evaluating the quantitative way of the effects of these models on stock performance. Therefore, through the simulation environment of the proposed calculations, this study seeks to determine the ideal method for the resupply policy of a textile company. The inventory control models are compared through indicators, reducing total inventory costs, where one of them is selected as the most viable for the studied company.


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Author Biographies

Mário César Fialho de Oliveira, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – UNIS MG

Master in Accounting Sciences (FUCAPE - 2018 to 2020), graduated in Accounting Sciences (EaD - Cruzeiro do Sul - 2019 to 2020), postgraduate in MBA Business Logistics (Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF - 2008) and graduated in Administration (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases - FIC - 2007). In the Academic area, he served as Coordinator of the Higher Course of Technology in Logistics (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases-FIC) between 2014 and 2018. Professor in the courses of Administration, Accounting, Production Engineering and Technology in Logistics. Current Materials Supervisor at Apolo Algodão. He worked as Materials/Supplies and Production Planning and Control Coordinator at Zollern Transmissão Mecânicas Ltda., in Cataguases. He has professional experience as an Accounting Auditor at KPMG. Solid knowledge in the areas of Logistics/Supplies, PCP, Accounting and Human Resources. (Text provided by the author)

Sanderson Rocha de Abreu, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – UNIS MG

Master in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. Graduated in Production Engineering from Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases-FIC and Technician in Electrotechnics from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF. He coordinated the High Voltage Testing Laboratory from 2005 to 2014 and managed Research and Development projects at Energisa from 1999 to 2014. He is currently Coordinator and Professor of the Production Engineering and Electrical Engineering course at FIC (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases) Grupo UNIS , in Cataguases, in the subjects of Project Management, Quality Management, Internship, Interdisciplinary Course Project, Production and Operations Management, Product Planning and Design, Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits and Introduction to Engineering. (Text provided by the author)

Antônio Elízio de Oliveira, FIC - Faculdade Integradas de Cataguases - Grupo UNIS

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1983), he has a Lato Sensu Postgraduate Degree in Strategic Business Management from USP (2006) and a Lato Sensu Postgraduate Degree in Active Methodologies from the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (2020). Certified Professional in Measurement and Verification - (CMVP®), by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) (2015). He is currently a professor at FIC-Faculdade Integradas de Cataguases-Grupo UNIS in the courses of Electrical Engineering and Production Engineering. He has experience in the area of Electrical Engineering, with emphasis on the areas of Electric Power Generation and Energy Efficiency. (Text provided by the author)


Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção – ABIT

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How to Cite

Rodrigues, E. B., Rodrigues, M. E. B., Oliveira, M. C. F. de, Abreu, S. R. de, & Oliveira, A. E. de. (2021). Improvement in the inventory management process in a textile industry: a case study. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(5), 82–92.