Implementation of a lean manufacturing culture in the power generation equipment sector: a comparative analysis between theory and practice


  • Guilherme Escarabelin Molinero Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (PECEGE)
  • Manoel Gonçales Filho Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (PECEGE)



Lean, Energy, Production


Lean Manufacturing is one of the main applied philosophies to increase productivity due to Toyota’s great success and further expansion to the automotive industry. This continuous improvement culture has been studied by several authors and decomposed into steps and methodologies to implement and control, however several studies point to an elevated failure rate on lean replication. In this context, the objective was to study the implementation of a lean manufacturing culture into renewable energy component’s manufacturing. The study method was applied through a case study with data collection based on semi-structured interviews in a group of specialists from a company in the renewable energy sector, also being comparative to the lean manufacturing literature. Based on results, was understood tree main processes that constitutes the lean manufacturing implementation in this sector: Hoshin Kanri, Value Stream Mapping and Kaizen events. Results were compared with the literature to identify differences and based on the comparison, improvement suggestions were developed for the implementation of these tree processes in the studied company.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Escarabelin Molinero, Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (PECEGE)

He studies Chemical Industrial Engineering at the School of Engineering of Lorena - University of São Paulo with a double degree from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), through the Science Without Borders program. Works in process engineering and SAP ERP implementation at Johnson&Johnson. Worked in the development of packaging for agrochemicals at BASF. Researched cadmium removal in aqueous effluents using ion exchange with porous materials synthesized at the University of Aveiro. Researched separation processes in the area of ​​new coagulants and flocculants for the treatment of hydrolyzate from sugarcane fractions. They have experience in IT and software development. (Text provided by the author)

Manoel Gonçales Filho, Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (PECEGE)

Doctor in Business Administration from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) (2021) [Full 40-hour doctoral fellowship by the Ministry of Education and Science (CAPES)]. Master in Production Engineering from UNIMEP (2015) [Full Master's Scholarship 40 hours by CAPES]. Business Administrator graduated from the School of Engineering of Piracicaba (EEP) (2002). He has two LATU SENSU postgraduate degrees: Specialization in People Management from UNIMEP (2004) and an MBA in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (2006). He is a professor at the Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo (Fatec) linked to the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza in the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics, and he is a professor of scientific research and completion of the MBA course in Business Management. Projects and People Management at PECEGE-ESALQ-University of São Paulo (USP). He is the author of five books in the area of ​​Production Management and of more than a hundred scientific articles published in national and international magazines/journals and congresses. GONÇALES FILHO, M. The research interest is in the development of the Lean Thinking (LP) philosophy and in Sustainable Practices: Economic, Environmental and Social. Cleaner Production, General Administration, People Management, Project Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Analysis of the Economic and Financial Feasibility of Investments. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Molinero, G. E., & Gonçales Filho, M. (2022). Implementation of a lean manufacturing culture in the power generation equipment sector: a comparative analysis between theory and practice. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 8(1), 18–32.




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