A bibliometric analysis on the relationship between the use of Lean tools and 4.0 technologies on the product development process





Product Development Process, Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Production.


The Product Development Process (PDP) takes place and depends on a series of integrated steps, incorporating different technologies and adapting to production standards. In this sense, the use of Lean tools can help to continuously improve processes in a systematic way, ensuring that all these processes really add value to the product. Allied to this, the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies can help improve these production processes, enabling companies to obtain competitive advantages. Therefore, this research aims to map, correlate and analyze the existing scientific knowledge on PDP, Industry 4.0 and Lean Manufacturing. For this, searches will be carried out to retrieve articles from the Scopus database, and the data will be processed with the bibliometrix software. The results obtained show that there is a greater proximity between PDP and Lean Manufacturing, connected a priori and with a later connection with Industry 4.0. With this, it is possible to affirm that researchers and managers have a view that Lean tools are directly connected to the PDP, continuously helping for its success, while Industry 4.0 technologies are usually considered in a second moment regarding the execution of the PDP.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Roberto Tardio, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

Master's student in Production and Systems Engineering (PUCPR). Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (1994). She has experience in the area of Production Engineering.

Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

POST DOCTORATE at the Federal University of Santa Maria (2020 to 2022), DOCTORATE in Quality and Productivity Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2005). MASTER in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1997). Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1986). He is currently a researcher and Prof. Adjunct at PUC-PR of the PPGEPS master's and doctorate. He was TITLE PROFESSOR at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) 2008-2020, working in the undergraduate courses in Production Engineering, Mechanics and as COORDINATOR of the Master's Program in Industrial Systems and Processes and professor of the Master's and Doctorate of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Technology. He has experience in the area of management, engineering and innovation, with emphasis on Production Administration and Production Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: Strategic planning., Multicriteria analysis, PCPs, Management by Processes, Industry 4.0, Performance Indicators, Performance and Competitiveness , Micro and Small Enterprises and Innovation. He was HEAD of the Department of Engineering, Architecture and Agricultural Sciences at Unisc; Coordinator of the University-Company program; Member of Sebrae-RS; Member of the CREA-RS industrial sectoral committee; Director and industrial manager of several industries, consultant in companies in the country. He coordinated postgraduate courses. Ad hoc magazines and national and international events.

Jones Luís Schaefer, Federal University of Santa Maria

Postdoctoral in Production Engineering in progress (UFSM). PhD in Production Engineering (2022) by the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Master in Industrial Systems and Processes (2019) from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Production Engineer (2006) from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Technician in Electrotechnics (2000). Researcher at the Center for Innovation and Competitiveness (NIC/UFSM). Finalist of the 2022 ITAIPU-ABEPRO Doctoral Thesis Award. Reviewer for international journals such as Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, Energies, Sustainability, Processes, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Editor of Product & Production magazine. He has experience in the area of Production Engineering working in research related to the following topics: Energy Management, Energy Cloud; Energy Cloud Management; Energy Management Systems; Electrical System Regulation; Industry 4.0; Multicriteria Analysis; Performance and Performance Indicators; Competitiveness; Innovation; Micro and Small Companies; Data Mining Algorithms.


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How to Cite

Tardio, P. R., Nara, E. O. B., & Schaefer, J. L. (2023). A bibliometric analysis on the relationship between the use of Lean tools and 4.0 technologies on the product development process. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 9(2), 88–98. https://doi.org/10.47456/bjpe.v9i2.40144