Prioritization of preventive measures by using the FMEA tool in risk analysis in civil construction




Workplace safety, construction, FMEA


According to Social Security statistics for 2021, the number of accidents at work in Brazil remains high, with 34,000 belonging to the construction sector this year. In this scenario, risk management has high importance in risk analysis for accident prevention. Focusing on this issue, this research was carried out in the civil construction sector between the years 2021 and 2022, with the general objective of prioritizing preventive measures related to work safety in civil construction, verified by the use of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) tool. In order to obtain data, observational and photographic records were made in the work analyzed in relation to the risks to which workers are exposed. Subsequently, the risk priority analysis was carried out using the FMEA tool. Among the high-Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs) there is the non-use of personal protective equipment, a serious situation due to its high risk. Thus, it can be concluded that the FMEA method contributed to the prioritization of preventive measures related to work safety for the analyzed civil construction work.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Caroline Teixeira Zaupa, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR

She is currently a Master's student in Civil Engineering at UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Specialization in Distance Education 4.0 by FAEL - Faculdade Educacional da Lapa (2020); Specialization in Administration and Finance, Environmental Education and Professional and Technological Education by Faculdade UNINA (2020); Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering from UTFPR - Federal Technological University of Paraná (2017); Degree in Pedagogy from CLARETIANO - University Center (2022); Graduated in Music from UNESPAR - State University of Paraná / Curitiba Campus I EMBAP - School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (2015) and Graduated in Civil Engineering from UFPR - Federal University of Paraná (2007).

Rodrigo Eduardo Catai, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP - Campus de Bauru (2001), Specialization in Eng. in Occupational Safety from UNESP - Campus de Bauru (2003) and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP - Campus de Guaratinguetá (2004). He is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, teaching classes for the Undergraduate Course in Civil Production Engineering and Civil Engineering, Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering, Specialization in Construction Pathologies, Specialization in Production Engineering and Specialization in Ergonomics. He advises scientific initiation students (CNPq), undergraduate and high school (PIBIC-Júnior), Specialization, Masters and Doctorate students. He is a Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering and the Graduate Program in Urban Environmental Sustainability. He served from 11/2016 to 02/2018 at the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies as Coordinator of Lato Sensu Graduate Courses at UTFPR. He was Director of Research at UTFPR from 03/2018 to 10/2020 and Director of Stricto Sensu Graduate Studies at UTFPR from 10/2020 to 02/2021. Currently, since 02/2021 he has returned to being the Director of Research at UTFPR. He served as Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Occupational Safety Engineering at UTFPR - Curitiba Campus, having coordinated around 23 classes since 2006. He was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (Masters) from 2009 to 2014, was Coordinator of the Civil Production Engineering and Civil Engineering Courses from 02/2014 to 10/2016 and was a member of the Council of the Academic Department of Civil Construction (2006 to 2016). He was an alternate member of the University Council of UTFPR (03/2014 to 02/2018) and is currently an effective member of this same Council since 03/2018. He is a member of the Council of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (since 2009) and was a member of the Graduate Council of UTFPR (from 2015 to 2019). It directs scientific and technological research focused on the themes: work safety, ergonomics, acoustics, reuse of materials and waste, and process optimization. He has been a CNPQ Productivity in Technological Development fellow since 2012.

Janine Nicolosi Corrêa, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná UTFPR

She is a Civil Production Engineer from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (2003), Master in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (PPGEM - UTFPR, 2006) and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics (CPGEI - UTFPR, 2011) . He has experience in Civil Engineering, with emphasis on Materials and Construction Components and in the area of ​​radon detection in environments, acting on the following topics: radon in construction materials, radon in environments, radon in water, alpha particle detectors , trace detectors, read and develop detectors, calibration of passive and active radon detectors, calculation of the efficiency of radon detection systems, and radon exhalation models for indirect radon measurements. She is a professor of the Civil Engineering career and of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at the Academic Department of Civil Construction at the Federal Technological University of Paraná and develops research on risk assessment, measurements and monitoring of population exposure to gamma radiation and determination of Heavy metal loads in building materials, soil and water. It also operates in the area of ​​Sustainability, with a focus on HIS – Housing of Social Interest. She is currently advisor to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the Federal Technological University of Paraná.

Julio Cesar Zaupa, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná UTFPR

He holds a Master's Degree in Engineering and Materials Science from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (2020), Specializations in several Institutions, Graduation in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (2016), Graduation in Electrical Engineering from the Tuiuti University of Paraná - UTP (2012). He has experience in the areas of Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering and also works as a professor.


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How to Cite

Zaupa, J. C. T., Catai, R. E., Corrêa, J. N., & Zaupa, J. C. (2023). Prioritization of preventive measures by using the FMEA tool in risk analysis in civil construction. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 9(2), 14–26.