Influence of production parameters on the roughness of orthodontic ABS models manufactured via additive manufacturing




Additive manufacturing, Roughness, Dentistry


Additive manufacturing (AM) has a strong impact in the dental field, offering advantages in productivity, cost, and customization of various products. Among the AM techniques, fused deposition modeling (FDM) has great application in the production of orthodontic molds (OM) compared to traditional techniques. However, the roughness of OM (orthodontic molds) produced by FDM is higher when compared to the pieces obtained through alginate molding. Therefore, evaluating the influence of FDM manufacturing parameters on roughness is of great importance. For this purpose, the experimental design methodology was used with the aim of determining which factors have a significant effect on OM roughness. Among the results obtained, layer height (LH) is the most influential factor in the roughness of the incisor element. For the canine and molar elements, the extruder nozzle diameter (END) is the most influential factor in roughness with an interaction between END and LH. Therefore, to aim for better roughness control in OM produced via AM, parameters such as layer height, extruder nozzle diameter, and filling percentage should be controlled.


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Author Biographies

Rannier Marques Mendonça, Universidade Federal do Amazonas: Manaus, Amazonas, BR

Doutor em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais (2018), Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica (2009), Graduado em Engenharia de Materiais (2005) pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN - Brasil). Professor do Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM - Brasil), onde desenvolve pesquisas na área de análise, caracterização, desenvolvimento e processamento de polímeros e materiais compósitos, com ênfase ao uso de biomateriais de origem amazônico.

Antonio do Nascimento Silva Alves, Universidade Federal do Amazonas: Manaus, Amazonas, BR

2022-06-08 a presente | Professor Adjunto (Engenharia Mecânica). Universidade Federal do Amazonas: Manaus, Amazonas, BR


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How to Cite

Lourenço Júnior, E., Cruz Neto, R. M. de A., Mendonça, R. M., Alves, A. do N. S., & Casanova, J. (2023). Influence of production parameters on the roughness of orthodontic ABS models manufactured via additive manufacturing . Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 9(4), 131–139.

