Economic viability of an expansion of a pet shop to offer hotel stays for pets
feasibility analysis, pet shop, economic and financial, capital budgetingAbstract
Even in the face of the uncertainties that have affected the world, the pet market has shown growth, growing 27% in 2022 compared to 2021. Given this promising scenario, this article presented an economic and financial feasibility analysis of expanding a business that provides grooming services, transforming it into a pet boarding hotel capable of accommodating dogs and cats. This analysis aimed to quantify the viability of replacing an existing business with one that offers a more cozy and attractive space for animals and their owners. For this purpose, a case study of an applied nature with a qualitative-quantitative approach was conducted. The results showed that the investment, evaluated with a useful life of 5 years, was feasible, providing a Net Present Value (NPV) of R$ 22.774,77 a 29,71% Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and a discounted payback period of 3.4 years. This study serves as a benchmark for other businesses in the same industry by empirically elucidating the expansion structure of a pet-oriented venture.
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