Body, skins and spiral in Hundertwasser




Corporeidade, Hundertwasser, Pele


We present a section of master's research, in which the concepts of spiral and F. Hundertwasser's five skins were related to corporeality, with which relationships were established with clothing and the home. To this end, we present three coordinates for understanding the body: its space-time dimension, its interactive dimension and, finally, its sign dimension – in which sense gestures can be understood in their communicational function.


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Author Biographies

João Victor Coser, PPGA-UFES

PhD student in Arts from the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), where he also obtained his master's degree in Arts and degree in Fine Arts (2018). Currently, he is a visual artist, researcher and art educator. His artistic work is centered on the construction of a poetics of corporeality, skin and its prostheses, with an emphasis on the language of performance. Its actions are focused on photographs and videos, in addition to developing installations that involve public participation as an integral part of the work. The narratives created by the artist explore the transfiguration and perception of the body as an active and present element in a latent and subjective reality.

Cláudia Maria França da Silva, PPGA-UFES

Visual artist. Post-doctorate in Psychology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. PhD in Arts from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (Poéticas Visuais, 2010). Master in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Poéticas Visuais, 2002). Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Drawing and Sculpture, 1990). I was a professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia (1991-2016) and I am currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). I was a permanent member of the faculty of the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), between 2010 and 2016, and a contributing member between 2016 and 2017. I am currently a permanent member of the Postgraduate Program in Arts at UFES .


CASTILHO, Káthia. Moda e Linguagem. São Paulo: Anhembi Morumbi, 2004.

LE BRETON, David. Antropologia dos sentidos. Editora Vozes, 2016.

LE BRETON, David. A Sociologia do Corpo. Editora Vozes, 2012.

MATESCO, V. F. Corpo Objeto. In: 20º Encontro Anpap, 2011, Rio de Janeiro. 20º Encontro Anpap. Rio de Janeiro: Uerj, 2011.

MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice. O visível e o invisível. 4° Edição ed., São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2000.

RESTANY, Pierre. Hundertwasser: o pintor-rei das cinco peles: o poder da arte. Lisboa: TASCHEN, 2003.



How to Cite

Coser, J. V., & Silva, C. M. F. da. (2024). Body, skins and spiral in Hundertwasser. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 66–79.


