A escrita de Milton Hatoum e da personagem Martim em A noite da espera


  • Lucas Lima Moura Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Sebastião Alves Teixeira Lopes Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI


ABSTRACT: A noite da espera (2017) is a contemporary Brazilian novel that shows the social and political context of Brazil during the Civil Military Dictatorship. The storyline consists of the interweaving of real and fictional facts, amalgamated by thought-provoking writing, enabling the reader to immerse in a remarkable period of Brazilian historiography. In fact, this paper aims to analyse the process of writing the novel, which provides, on two distinct levels, for the author, Milton Hatoum, and for Martim, the protagonist, a reunion with the 1960s and 1970s Brasília, DF. The analysis concludes thus that the work takes part in a contemporary tradition, where it makes use of an aesthetically multiple diegisis, which has in the story its critical power and in its narrative levels the possibilities of comprehension both of the historical context and the process itself of creation of the textual discourse.

KEYWORDS: A noite da espera. Milton Hatoum. Martim. Process of writing.


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