Revisiting Black Mountain College

Teaching to Transgress


  • Dorothee Richter University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK)



Black Mountain College, Art and education, History of Art


Every art university wants to give its graduates the greatest opportunities after graduation, as artists, curators, actors, conductors, musicians, designers, filmmakers, or dancers. How to get from A to Z in this project is based on the respective creativity concept. Do you want to equip the students with management knowledge in order to pave their way into the creative industries? Do you want to provide them with expertise in their field, or is critical thinking required above all, as well as the ability to cooperate that enables students to survive in an extremely complex world?


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Biografia do Autor

Dorothee Richter, University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK)

Professor in Contemporary Curating at University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK). Head of Postgraduate Program in Curating at University of the Arts Zurich. She is co-founded with Susanne Clausen the "Research Platform for Curating, Practice-Based Doctoral Programme" a collaboration of the Postgraduate Programme in Curating and the Department of Fine Arts, University of Reading, now the PhD in practice in curating.  Richter was artistic director of the Künstlerhaus Bremen, where she curated a discursive program based on feminist issues, urban situations, power relation issues, and institutional critique. She has worked as a curator, curating a Fluxus Festival at Cabaret Voltaire, curating a program at the Museum Baerengasse / Gasthaus zum Baeren in Zurich, the White Space in Zurich, and now the On Curating Project Space also in Zurich.


Luc Boltanski e Eve Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism, trad. Gregory Elliott (Londres: Verso Books, 2005).

Jennifer M. Ritter, “Beyond Progressive Education: Why John Andrew Rice Really Opened Black Mountain College,” Rollins Undergraduate Research Journal 5, no. 2 (outono de 2011).

William C. Rice, introdução a "Black Mountain College Memoirs", de John Andrew Rice, The Southern Review 23, no. 5 (1989): 569, aqui citado de Ritter, "Beyond Progressive Education."

John Dewey, Art as Experience (Nova York: Minton, Balch & Company, 1934).

Jesse Goodman, “Education for Critical Democracy,” Journal for Education 171, no. 2, Language Culture and Schooling, Boston University, Boston (1989).




Como Citar

Richter, D. . (2021). Revisiting Black Mountain College: Teaching to Transgress. Farol, 16(23), 10–25.


