From the chest of the skin and Yorùbáiano

reflections on art as a place of existence




Coletivo Rachadura Visual, Ayrson Heráclito, Yorùbáiano, existências mínimas


From the chest of skin, video installation by the collective Rachadura Visual and Yorùbáiano by Ayrson Heráclito is a work and exhibition that confronts Christianity while defending the existence of queer, black bodies and the sacred Afro-Brazilian. Associated with the theories of Georges Didi-Huberman, David Lapoujade and Étienne Souriau, the article will understand artists as lawyers and funambulists who give the existences raised in their artistic creations the right to be real, placing art as the possible place to maintain and guarantee certain modes of existence.


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Author Biography

Rafaela Maria Martins da Silva, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

PhD student in Visual Arts at PPGAV-UDESC (2021); Master in the Theory and History of Visual Arts at PPGAV-UDESC (2019), SC; CAPES scholarship holder; degree in Art from Fundação Dracenense de Ensino e Cultura/Unifadra in Dracena, São Paulo (2016). She worked as an art educator in the State Education network of São Paulo (2014), Mato Grosso do Sul (2014-17) and Santa Catarina (2019-2021).


CAMPOS, Marcelo et al. Ayrson Heráclito: Yorùbáiano. São Paulo: Pinacoteca do Estado, 2022.

DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges. Sobrevivência dos Vaga-Lumes. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2011.

___________. Sobre o fio. Trad. Fernando Scheibe. Desterro: Cultura e Barbárie, 2019.

LAPOUJADE, David. As existências mínimas. São Paulo: N-1 Edições, 2017.



How to Cite

Silva, R. M. M. da. (2024). From the chest of the skin and Yorùbáiano: reflections on art as a place of existence. Farol, 19(28), 91–99.



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