The presence of absence in art




memoria, presencia, vestigio, huella


This text presents a reflection on artistic production that raises the relevance in contemporary art of mnemonic processes translated into works that express complex relationships with the disappearance and persistence of images, in this case the work that we will review was mostly made in the pandemic period which modified its resources that were determined by the intimate and domestic space.


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Author Biography

Mónica Elisa Contreras Godínez , Facultad de Artes y Diseño/UNAM

Co-founder of the LIA Project (Free Artistic Exchange) and member of the CoRa artist collective, she studied a Master's Degree in Visual Arts at the Academia de San Carlos at UNAM in Mexico City and a Master's Degree in Art History at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Godínez , M. E. C. (2024). The presence of absence in art. Farol, 19(28), 101–110.


