Due to an image crisis, now





contemporary art , search , exhibition


This text focuses on the relationship between image, culture and identity, by elaborating on the ways in which the image influences the construction of social imaginaries and how it can support or oppose power structures. In this way, it challenges the narrative of the idealized image, which often excludes subalternized and racialized subjects. It reinforces the provocation to contest and interrupt the structures of representation that regulate bodies and subjectivities, reaffirming the need for a decolonial take on culture and history. The text seeks to review the complexity of representation, confronting the images that regulate bodies and subjectivities, while exploring the dissimilarity and cultural stigmas associated with them.


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Author Biography

Nicolas Oliveira Soares, Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo (MAES)

Master of Arts (UFES), Artiste, chercheur, conservateur et responsable culturel. Ses recherches portent sur la représentation intime de la perception des corps à travers des images techniques et sur les manifestations de la subjectivité dans l'art contemporain, abordant les questions liées à l'homosexualité, à la racialité et aux politiques de l'affection. Coordinateur de la Galeria Homero Massena (2019 à 2022). Directeur du Musée d'Art Espírito Santo (2022 - actuel).





How to Cite

Soares, N. O. (2024). Due to an image crisis, now. Farol, 20(30), 145–153. https://doi.org/10.47456/rf.v20i30.44008



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