Technology and accessibility

creation of the children’s audiobook “I want to see the real iemanjá”




roteiro, peça radiofônica, audiodescrição, audiolivro, Iemanjá


The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of transposing the children's story “Quero ver a Iemanjá de Verdade” into an audiobook, which is part of the book Minhas Histórias com Belinha. The focus is to analyze the process of creating two scripts based on the aforementioned short story: the first is the script for a radio play for an audiobook; the second is an audio description script of illustrations from the story, which will be recorded as a supplement to the radio play. For the theoretical-critical basis of the analysis, the following material was relevant: Comparato (2018) on script construction; Street (2006), Sperber (1980) and Huwiler (2010) about a radio play; Bolter and Grusin (2000), Elleström (2010) on media studies; Hayles (2004), De Arzabal (2021) and de Gumbrecht (2004) on materiality.


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Author Biographies

Sílvia Maria Guerra Anastácio , UFBa

Graduated in Literature with a Specialization in Translation, Interpretation and Revision from PUC-RJ; Specialization in Family Therapy and Narrative Therapy from PUC-BA; Specialization in Fundamentals of Audio and Acoustics from IAV, Audio and Video Institute, SP. Master's degree in English Literature from UFRJ; PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP; Post-Doctorate in Comparative Literature from UFMG and Post-Doctorate in Digital Media from PUC-SP. Retired as Full Professor at the Institute of Letters at UFBa, linked to the Postgraduate Course in Literature and Culture, and Language and Culture. Founder of the Translation, Creation Process and Sound Media Research Group (PRO.SOM): Interlingual and Interarts Translation Studies.

Ricardo Oliveira Rocha, UFBa

Graduated in Vernacular Literature and Master in Literature and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA); Master's student in Philosophy at PPGF/UFBA and Bachelor's degree student in Foreign Languages ​​(English). He participated in the following audiobooks published by the PRO.SOM Group: Nina vai à Escola (2019), Sabor e som: stories told of northeastern recipes (2019), Sabor e Som: stories of cuisine (2021) and H. G. Wells: Fições Clássicas (2021 ); all published by EDUFBA in PDF and WAV format.


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How to Cite

Anastácio , S. M. G., & Rocha, R. O. (2024). Technology and accessibility: creation of the children’s audiobook “I want to see the real iemanjá”. Farol, 20(30), 236–261.


