Drifts, resistances, arts in/through the Anthropocene





apresentação, seção temática, antropoceno


We are experiencing a trans-global process of instability that affects several areas of human and non-human social experience and action. Thus, when we think about a dynamic of deconstruction of the Anthropocene era, we are, in fact, favoring a more comprehensive understanding around processes of individual and collective identity (re)construction, including aspects such as ecofeminism, multidimensional ecosystems, migrations, colonialism and decolonial thought, climate change, extractivism, among others, surrounding a whole diversity of dynamics that have the arts as their most perennial and (re)founding focus of expression. The artistic drifts and resistances in/through the Anthropocene presented here result from the convergence, communication and exchange in the areas of sociology, anthropology, cultural economics, cultural studies, urban studies, artistic education, humanities, architecture, art history, among others.


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Author Biography

Paula Guerra, Universidade do Porto / Griffith Center for Social and Cultural Research, Austrália

Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Porto and Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the same university. Paula is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research at Griffith University in Australia. She is also a researcher at CITCEM – Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Culture, Space and Memory, at the Centre for Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT) and at DINÂMIA'CET – Iscte, Centre for Studies on Socioeconomic Change and Territory. She is the founder/coordinator of Rede Todas as Artes: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Network for the Sociology of Culture and the Arts and of KISMIF (kismifconference.com and kismifcommunity.com). She is the president of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) Portugal and vice-chair of the Research Network for the Sociology of Art of the European Sociological Association. Paula is Editor-in-Chief (with Andy Bennett) of SAGE DIY's magazine, Alternative Cultures and Society.


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How to Cite

Guerra, P. (2024). Drifts, resistances, arts in/through the Anthropocene. Farol, 20(31), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.47456/rf.v20i31.46852



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