Cultural Exchange
uses and applications of Law 10.639/03 and the School Management Notebook for Equity in promoting an anti-racist school
Laws 10.639/03; Laws 11.645/08; Anti- Racists Education; Teaching-learning; informal educational SpacesAbstract
The present article aims to socialize a pedagogical practice developed by the São Mateus Regional Education Superintendence in partnership with its schools, called “Cultural Exchange”, which consists of creating spaces for experiences and cultural exchanges with a focus on the historical, social, and cultural elements of each region of the state, especially the northern region of Espírito Santo, through mutual visits. The proposal aims to stimulate knowledge, curiosity and respect in students based on sociocultural experiences, having as its scope the uses and practices of Laws 10,639/03, 11,645/08 and the School Management for Equity. The project in question sought to explore non-formal educational spaces, understanding the city and its historical, cultural, material and immaterial heritage as the main foundation for promoting spaces for sharing experiences and Dayle practices that are significant for racial knoledge, appreciation of the history and culture’s “Capixaba” , strengthening and encouraging the work carried out in schools under the jurisdiction of the São Mateus Regional Education Superintendency and visiting Regional Education Superintendencies.
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