FMEA quality method: a study of its application to the embroidery process in a regional company




FMEA, process, quality, embroidery, production


With the increase in competitiveness in the market and the rigorous way in which companies have analyzed their processes in order to make them more efficient and assertive, quality management has become an important area of study for managers and organizations to find methodologies and techniques that can elucidate their process and reduce recurring and possible failures in their production system. In this context, FMEA is an important auxiliary tool for mapping faults and errors in a process, revealing its adversities and proposing solutions to improve the company's efficiency and assertiveness. With this, FMEA is based on one of the principles of quality management: full customer satisfaction, with a view to reducing costs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse the embroidery process of a regional company in São Paulo, taking into account the use of FMEA as a tool for identifying and characterizing faults and errors in the process, in order to establish corrective actions to improve production. Therefore, despite the fact that the company does not use any quality control measures, the relevance that FMEA can bring to the organization is determined from the tabulation of problems in its processes and the development of objectively implementable solutions, reinforcing the effectiveness and adaptability of this tool.


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Author Biographies

Johnny Gabriel Silva Santos, Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus Suzano

Graduated in Commercial Management from FATEC in Itaquaquecetuba and post-graduating in Logistics and Operations from IFSP and in IT Project Management from IFRJ. Technician in Administration and Commerce from ETEC Itaquaquecetuba and Post-Technician in Project Management from ETEC Itaquera II. Extensive academic production, participation in events such as the FATEC Logistics Congress (FATECLOG), the largest event of its kind in Brazil, and the Sustainable Development Lecture Cycle (FATEC Itaquaquecetuba), including being awarded the Bortot Institutional Prize, among the best scientific productions of the event. Academic author published in REASE (Revista Iberoamericana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação) and accepted in ANIMATERRA (Revista Científica da FATEC Mogi das Cruzes). Panelist at 10 JORNACITEC and 7 CONPOG IFSP. Speaker at the International Seminar - Technology, Education and Society 2024, on the theme of the UN's 17 SDGs.

Dr., Instituo Federal de Suzano - Campus Suzano

He has a degree in Business Administration (2000), a Master's degree in Production Engineering (2003) and a PhD in Production Engineering (2012). He is currently a Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP) - Suzano Campus, working on the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Logistics courses. He has experience in Administration with an emphasis on Production and Operations, working mainly on the following subjects: Transportation, Quality, Logistics and Information Technology applied to Logistics. He currently coordinates the Logistics and Operations Technology Course at the IFSP.


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How to Cite

Gabriel Silva Santos, J., & Fernandes Rodrigues, E. (2024). FMEA quality method: a study of its application to the embroidery process in a regional company. Latin American Journal of Energy Research, 11(2), 64–72.


