Gestão pública municipal, Recursos estratégicos, Vantagens competitivasAbstract
In order to analyze the strategic resources and sources that generate competitive advantages used in municipal public management, based on the Resource-based View (RBV), a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research was carried out, through a case study in the municipality of Santa Maria / RS. Data collection took place through documents, observations and interviews with public officials. The use of RBV in the public sector can assist in the development of indicators for assessing the organization's performance. The results highlight the need and scarcity of financial resources and the recognition of human and organizational resources as strategic, with the emergence of political resources as a contribution to theory. The study concludes that the criteria that make up the VRIO model (value, rarity, inimitability and organization) need to be adapted, given that the generation of competitive advantage occurs in relation to entities in the same governmental sphere.
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