About the Journal

ISSN - 2446-5410


The Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde (RBPS) is a publication of the Health Sciences Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, whose mission is to publish scientific manuscripts on a quarterly basis, including editorials, original articles, systematic review articles and case reports. , referring to subjects and studies of technical-scientific interest in the areas of Health Sciences.


RBPS offers immediate free access to its content. The availability of published articles with free access strengthens research networks and the generation of new scientific knowledge. In addition, there is no payment requirement for submission, publication or downloads of already published articles.

We adopt the Creative Commons license - CC-BY-NC-ND (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0) which allows "non-commercial redistribution, provided the original work is not modified and credit is given to the author" (Copyright & licensing).


All published manuscripts represent the opinion of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of CCS-UFES, its board of directors, the RBPS editorial board or the institution to which the author is affiliated, unless stated in a document.

Manuscripts submitted to the RBPS must meet its objective and instructions to authors, and their simultaneous presentation to another printed or electronic journal is not allowed.



RBPS follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines on identifying plagiarism or suspected plagiarism, as well as possible fraud and ethics violations in publications and manuscripts.

When submitting the manuscript, we recommend that authors visit the COPE website (http://publicationethics.org) for information on research ethics.

The authorship of the manuscript should only belong to those who actively participated in the research and writing of the article. In scientific writing, citations and intellectual content from other publications must be explicitly referenced (cited).

Editors who manage the editorial flow will evaluate submissions based on criteria established by COPE and RBPS. In case of suspicion or confirmation of plagiarism, authors will be notified following the established flow.


Authors are requested to send the "Declaration of Conflict of Interest", signed by all authors, to legitimize the suitability of the results of the submitted study, according to the following model:

a) Declaration of Conflict of Interest

I, _____________________, author responsible for the manuscript “____________________________”, declare that none of the authors of this study has any type of interest described below, or others that configure the so-called Conflict of Interest.

I declare that the submitted manuscript has not received any financial support from industry or any other commercial source and neither I nor the other authors or any first-degree relative have any financial (or other) interests in the matter addressed in the manuscript.

Otherwise, I specify below any association that may represent a conflict of interest that I and/or the other authors or their first-degree relatives have had in the last five years with private companies and/or organizations, even for non-profit purposes. profitable — for example: participation in software inventions/development, apparatus, treatment or laboratory technique, equipment, devices or technologies; participations and consulting activities and/or lectures; intellectual property; shareholding; patent licensing situations etc.

Local, __/__/__. Signature(s): _______________ (all authors)

**IMPORTANT: The Declaration of Conflict of Interest must be included as a supplementary document.

b) Approval of the Research Ethics Committee

The results of research involving human beings, submitted to the RBPS, must comply with Resolution no. 196/96 or 466/12 of the National Health Council of Brazil and with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (2000), in addition to complying with specific legislation in the country in which the research was carried out. In experiments conducted with animals, the guidelines of the Institution of National Research Councils on the use and care of laboratory animals must be followed.

Studies involving human beings or animals will only be published upon sending a copy of the substantiated opinion of approval by the Research Ethics Committee, Animal Research Ethics Committee or equivalent body.

**IMPORTANT: The substantiated opinion of approval by the Ethics Committee must be included as a supplementary document.


Manuscripts with clinical research results must present an identification number in one of the Clinical Trials Registers validated by the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), whose addresses are available on the website: http ://www.icmje.org/. The identification number must be recorded at the end of the abstract.


Authors must submit to RBPS the "Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer", containing the signature of each of the authors, according to the model presented below:

c) Declaration of Responsibility and Transfer of Copyright

We, the undersigned, transfer all copyright of the manuscript entitled “_____________________________” to the Brazilian Journal of Health Research. We further declare that the manuscript is original and is not being considered for publication in another journal, in print or electronic format.

(Discriminate the functions of each author)


(Author's name) carried out the application of the questionnaire, clinical experiment, correction and final editing.

(Author's name) performed the bibliographic search, collected data and acted in the writing, correction and final editing.

Local, __/__/__. Signature(s): _______________

**IMPORTANT: The Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer must be included as a supplementary document.


Paper submission to the RBPS is online through the Open Journal System (OJS) (https://periodicos.ufes.br/rbps/about/submissions). The corresponding author must provide an ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, http://orcid.org/) at the time of submission by entering it in the user's profile in the submission system. We recommend doing the same for co-authors.

Upon submission, authors must upload all documents listed in the "conflicts of interest" and "copyright" sections. In addition, you must upload the manuscript to be evaluated (follow the indicated templates).


When selecting manuscripts for publication, the following are evaluated: originality, relevance and methodology, as well as adequacy to the editorial standards adopted by the journal.

Access the "Guidelines for Authors" - https://periodicos.ufes.br/rbps/about/submissions to submit your manuscript.

For contact, send an email to rbps.ccs@ufes.br

Correspondence should be sent to the Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde, under the care of the Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde (RBPS), address: Avenida Marechal Campos, number 1468, Maruípe, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, Zip code: 29040- 090 Health Sciences Center, Federal University of Espírito Santo.