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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The paper follows the style standards and bibliographic described in Guidelines for Authors, on the "Submission"
  • The journal's system contains all information about the manuscript (Title, keywords, language, and abstract, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish).
  • The text of the article contains a minimum of 26,400 characters and a maximum of 66,000 characters (without spaces).
  • The text is de-identified, that is, the author's identity is not explicitly or implicitly cited.
  • The Orcid ID was provided in the registration of the author(s).

Author Guidelines

Good publishing practices

This journal follows good publishing practices recommended by COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics.

Guidelines on texts

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors. The contribution must be original and unpublished, and cannot be evaluated for publication by another journal.

Sections of Agora Journal

1) General papers

2) Papers in dossiers

The Agora Journal receives proposals for dossiers following editorial guidelines:

  • with one or two proponents, both doctorate degrees, recognized experts in the subject of the Dossier and preferably from different institutions, with one of them foreign;
  • Proposals must be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish;
  • Proposals must be sent to the journal's e-mail address (, containing:
    1. Dossier title and institutional affiliation of the proposing editors;
    2. Presentation of the proposal (2 to 4 paragraphs);
    3. all proposed texts for the dossier must be submitted by their respective authors on the Journal's page for the corresponding dossier;
    4. the approval of the dossiers is reserved to the Editorial Board, whose decision will be communicated to the proposers/organizers as soon as the decision is made.

3) Reviews of Books

4) Transcripts of documents


1. Text formatting

Manuscripts should be typed in Word for Windows, Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5, 6pt paragraph spacing, A4 format. Articles will have a minimum length of 26,400 characters and a maximum of 66,000 characters (without spaces), including bibliography and footnotes. The reviews will have a minimum size of 600 words and maximum of 2.000 words.

2. Authors

Each paper or review can be written by four authors at the most. To submit a text, the authors must have a condition of master degree student at least. The contributions will be original. However it is allowed to publish in Portuguese a translation of an article issued in a foreign language.

3. Originality

Contributions must be original and unpublished. Alternatively, authorized contributions in Portuguese from articles originally published in a foreign language are accepted.

4. Book Review

The book Reviews must be about books whose first publication in the original language does not exceed three years. Reviews will have a minimum length of 600 words and a maximum of 2,000 words.

In the part of the abstract required on the Ágora platform, the author must proceed the following template (in Portuguese, English and Spanish):

Review by: PEZÉ, W.; ROJAS, D.R. (eds.). International recognition: a historical and political perspective. Tübingen (DE): Mohr Siebeck, 2022. 260 p.

On the Agora platform, the author must enter at least three keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Reviews must:

  • Have a title different from the title of the reviewed work.
  • Synthesize the central ideas of the work.
  • Present the methodological perspective and, when applicable, the theoretical precepts that the Author adopts to develop the central ideas of the book.
  • Situate the position of the work in the academic field in which it is inscribed, mentioning, if possible, its main Authors and critics.
  • Carry out a critical balance of the three previous points.
  • Present the references at the end of the text.

5. Anti-plagiarism

The submitted text is similarity checked by TURNITIN. If similarity greater than 3% is found, the submission is rejected.

6. Manuscripts

All information related to the manuscript (Title, keywords, language and abstract, in Portuguese, English and Spanish) must be filled in the Journal's system by the corresponding author at the time of submission. It is also required to fill in all fields related to the co-authors: Full Name, E-mail, lattes, Orcid,, Institution/Affiliation and Brief Biography (From Lattes, for example). All authors must be registered.

In order to reduce publishing costs, we ask the authors to undertake a spelling and grammar review of the material being presented. In this sense, the lack of revision detected by the Advisory Board and or the Editorial Board will be issue for refusal of the manuscript in question.

Expressions in an alien language and titles of manuscripts must be typed in italics, thus avoiding the use of bold and reserving quotation marks for citations of other authors.

The illustrations should be scanned in .jpg or .png with a resolution between 100 and 150 dpi and inserted into the body of the text itself. In all images must present title, positioned above the image (Ex.: Figure 1 - mosaic found in the city of Antioch, fourth century), and below this, the source (Source: Author. Book's title. City: Publishing Company: 2016. p. 5).

7. Abstracts

Just below the title, will a abstract in the original language of the article and a translation to English, Portuguese, and Spanish , explaining the main subject of the article.

Abstracts should be 100 to 150 words long.

8. Keywords

After each abstract, should be mentioned three keywords in the original language of the text, three in Portuguese, three in English, and three in Spanish.

They must be separated from each other by a semicolon (;) and ended with a period (.)

They are spelled with the initials in lowercase, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names.

9. About quotations

Revista Ágora is based on NBR 6022/2018 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT to organize citations. Thereby, the editorial board decided on the following citation rules:

  • Less than three-line quotes should come within quotation marks. Otherwise, indent them 4 cm on the left and Times New Roman 10, spacing 1.5 (no quotation marks).
  • Bibliographical references will be made in a footnote, containing the name of the author followed by the work publication, city of publication, publisher, year and page number, separated by commas, as follows:
  1. Books: ARIÈS, P. O tempo da história. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1989. p. 56.
  2. Electronic books: DÂNGELO, N.; SOUSA, S. S. G. (org.). Noventa Anos de Rádio no Brasil. Uberlândia, MG: Edufu, 2016. E-book. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 ago. 2020.
  3. Digital books: GODINHO, T. Vida organizada: como definir prioridades e transformar seus sonhos em objetivos. São Paulo: Gente, 2014. E-book.
  4. Journals: TERÁN, O. Carlos Octavio Bunge: entre el científico y el político. Prismas, Revista de História Intelectual, Quilmes (AR), v. 2, nº 1, p. 95-110, 1998. p.97.
  5. Eletronic journal: DANTAS, J. A. et al. Regulação da auditoria em sistemas bancários: análise do cenário internacional e fatores determinantes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 64, p. 7-18, jan./abr.2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2014. p. 22.
  6. Thesis and Dissertation: AGUIAR, A. A. de. Avaliação da microbiota cucal em pacientes sob uso crônico de penicililina e benzatina. 2009. Tese (Doutorado em Cardiologia) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009. p. 27.
  7. Annals or Summaries of Events: BRYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANDO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.
  8. Annals or Summaries of Events in electronic media: PALETTA, F. A. C. et al. Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da biblioteca do Conjunto das Químicas/USP: digitalização retrospectiva: estudo de caso. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 16.; SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS DIGITAIS, 2., 2010, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ; São Paulo: CRUESP, 2010. 1 pen drive [ou] 1 CD-ROM [ou] Disponível em: Acesso em 3 maio 2013.
  9. Documents under archival custody : PORTUGAL. Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino. Conselho Ultramarino. PT/AHU/CU/001. p. 2 e 3. [COUNTRY. Archive. Section. Reference, p.]. Available at: Accessed on: 22 mar. 2022. [If the document is available online]. 

The notes an explanatory nature, should be placed as footnotes, never to the end of text.

10. References

Revista Ágora is based on NBR6023/18 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. The references should come at the end of the article. The list of references must be aligned to the left margin, with single spacing, both for the data and for the references cited in the paper. 

References must have up to two items.

1. The first item is "Sources", which are the documents used.

2. The second item is "General Works", which are all the bibliography used.

From the second reference of the same work, the identification must be made, in a footnote, as follows:

  1. ARIÈS, 1989, p.56. 
  2. TERÁN, 1998, p. 98.


References must be listed in alphabetical order, arranged as follows:

A. Complete work

ARIÈS, P. O tempo da história. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1989.

B. Chapterwork

DARNTON, R. História da leitura. In: BURKE, P. (org.). A escrita da história.  São Paulo: Editora da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 1992. v. 1, chap. 7, p. 199-236.

Obs. Chapters of books must contain the pages and volumes of the part.

C. Papers

CHARTIER, R. O mundo como representação. Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, v. 5, n. 11, p. 173-91, 1991.

OBS. Register the electronic address in addition to the essential and complementary elements for online documents by the expression Available at:, and the date of access, preceded by the expression Access at:.

D. Collections

Terms such as coordinator, organizer and editor must be abbreviated, with the initial in lower case and inserted in parentheses, for example: (org.).

E. Proceedings 

After the event title, add  ellipsis added inserted between square brackets:

Ex. PALETTA, F. A. C. et al. Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da biblioteca do Conjunto das Químicas/USP: digitalização retrospectiva: estudo de caso. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 16.; SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS DIGITAIS, 2., 2010, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ; São Paulo: CRUESP, 2010. 1 pen drive [ou] 1 CD-ROM [ou] Disponível em: Acesso em 3 maio 2013.

F. Reference with more than three authors

It is recomended indicate all authors. It is allowed to indicate the first author along with et al

G. Works referenced successively

Do not put a dash to replace the indication of repeated authorship, that is, the author's name must appear in all references.

H. Titles too long

The last words can be deleted, as long as the meaning is not changed. Deletion must be indicated by ellipsis between square brackets [...].

I. URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Do not indicate the URL with < > signs. If the electronic resource has DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it must be mentioned, regardless of the URL indication.

J. Latin expressions

The Latin expressions In, et al., [s. l.], [s. n.] are highlighted in italics.

K. The Tables

The tables must follow the IBGE's (1993) tabular presentation rules, according to ABNT (NBR 14724/2011, item 5.9): "It must be cited in the text, inserted as close as possible to the passage to which they refer and standardized according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)."


Política padrão de seção

Modernisms in Brazil throughout the 20th Century

The organizers intend the studies collected in this dossier to question "modernism" as its concept was fixed to refer to the period inaugurated by the Semana de Arte Moderna in 1922. A mere point of departure, the event turned into a referential of conformity aggregating forces which had been building up within intellectual circles since the late 1910's. We do not intend to limit the interpretation of modernism to the movement initiated by the paulistas, who supposedly reduced the artistic field in other Brazilian states to mere receptacles of their ideas. It should be emphasized that this hegemonical narrative was initiated by the intellectual elites during the decades following the event. It is therefore fundamental to acknowledge that the products of the so-called regional artistical forms of expression had already incorporated new topics, languages and aesthetics. Differences and divergences within the modernisms expressed themselves through more or less blatant ruptures and continuities – such as disagreements about the construction of the Brazilian nationalities and the possibility of "swallowing" foreign influences or of proclaiming a non-colonial "fast". Taking as a basis these initial challenges, the dossier aims at opening a space for studies oriented toward the diversity of modernisms in Brazil, relative to various areas of knowledge (social sciences, humanities, visual arts, architecture, literature, drama, music, etc.), and/or to different historically invisibilized perspectives and subjectivities (women, black people, LGBTQIAPN+, Quilombola, peasants, indigenous and others claiming to have a voice). 

Imagining the Nation: Brazilian Intellectuals in the Long 19th Century

The choice of Isabel Lustosa for the title of her work dedicated to the trajectory of Hipólito José da Costa was quite apt. By referring to her subject as "the journalist who imagined Brazil," the author not only presented us with an impeccable narrative about one of the most influential newspaper writers of his time but also prompted us to contemplate how the Luso-Brazilian intelligentsia imagined what Brazil would become.

The imaginative dimension is in frank dialogue with Benedict Anderson's studies on imagined political communities, intrinsically linked to the notion of belonging. After all, Hipólito José da Costa spent more than half of his life outside Brazil, which did not prevent him from writing about and for Brazil. Like the journalist exiled in London, other voices and perspectives also contributed to identifying what Cecília H. de Salles Oliveira called the "tangibility of the nation" – a "Brazilian" identity that was slowly being forged as diverse, although originating from the Portuguese.

This dossier aims to bring together studies on different voices of "Brazilian" intelligentsia that, especially in the 19th century, sought to imagine Brazil. These voices, which we understand as plural, include women, Afro-Brazilians, indigenous people, and other historically silenced groups who, despite their political and social marginalization, also thought and forged future alternatives for Brazil.

We are, therefore, looking for research that explores debates on national identity, political philosophy, literature, science, and more. We consider both convergences and divergences of thought, highlighting how this diverse intelligentsia helped establish, in a complex and multifaceted manner, Brazilian identity. Therefore, this dossier invites researchers from History, Literature, Social and Political Sciences, as well as other related fields of knowledge, to contribute their analyses on the 19th-century intelligentsia that imagined Brazil.

Organizers: Dr. Arthur Ferreira Reis (UFES) and Dr. Cecilia Siqueira Cordeiro (UnB).

Deadline for article submissions: April 30, 2024.

Modern slavery and the Luso-Brazilian institutions between the 17th and 19th centuries

Após algum tempo de arrebatadas discussões sobre ser ou não a violência o elemento estrutural da dominação escravista, um grupo de historiadores, composto por brasileiros e por alguns brasilianistas, dedicados à compreensão de diferentes facetas do cotidiano de africanos e descendentes que viveram como escravos na antiga colônia lusa da América e depois no Império do Brasil, empreendeu numerosos estudos marcados por abordagens que privilegiaram análises bastante definidas espaço-temporalmente, nas quais o escravo acabou por assumir, via de regra, um papel preponderante sobre a própria escravidão. Salvo algumas exceções, a documentação cartorial, policial e judiciária relativa aos cativos foi frequentada mais como um meio de se chegar ao dia a dia dos envolvidos do que propriamente para o estudo do aparato estatal que lhe conferia forma e legalidade.

 Mais recentemente, no entanto, ao longo das últimas duas décadas, mesmo se considerarmos que os estudos localizados ainda tenham alcançado uma expressão considerável, assistiu-se no Brasil, no Caribe e nos Estados Unidos a um renovado interesse pelas macroabordagens, tanto na publicação de novas pesquisas, quanto na produção de traduções de obras consagradas – que colocaram à disposição de um número mais amplo de interessados questões que ficaram, por algum tempo, relegadas a segundo plano, esquecidas sob a pecha de grandes generalizações de caráter ideológico, economicista ou culturalista. Aos poucos, a história da escravidão moderna vem sendo, no Brasil e no exterior, novamente interpretada à luz de histórias conectadas no espaço americano, na perspectiva atlântica, sob o prisma do império português e no âmbito da própria cultura ocidental.

Colocando-se a um só tempo como tributário e crítico desses amplos movimentos historiográficos, este dossiê temático pretende abrir espaço a um conjunto novo e vibrante de estudos que vem articulando o problema da escravidão de africanos e descendentes à construção ou ao funcionamento de instituições que compuseram a Monarquia lusa e o Estado do Império do Brasil entre os séculos XVII e XIX. Assim, serão bem-vindas investigações em torno dos impactos da escravidão sobre instituições ligadas aos governos monárquicos e ao próprio Estado, tais como: os Tribunais Seculares e Episcopais, o Santo Ofício, os Conselhos Administrativos e Consultivos, as Assembleias, as Câmaras Administrativas e Parlamentares, a Polícia, o Júri, dentre outros órgãos que, neste amplo lapso temporal, contribuíram por meio de suas práticas e de seus membros para o estabelecimento do longo debate sobre o binômio Escravidão e Estado no mundo luso-brasileiro. Interessam, ainda, estudos que explorem as prescrições e os atributos conferidos à escravidão ou às condutas cotidianas de senhores, escravos e libertos por instituições nesses séculos. Acreditamos que jogar luz sobre tais abordagens possa trazer novos aportes e discussões instigantes para o debate sobre um tema que, no último meio século, primou pela polêmica e por constantes renovações interpretativas, com impactos sobre a escrita da história no Brasil e no exterior. 


Organizadores: Dr. Ricardo Alexandre Ferreira (UNESP), Drª. Monique Marques Nogueira Lima (UNESP) e Drª. Larissa Biato de Azevedo (UNESP)

Prazo de recebimento de artigos: 31 de julho de 2024.

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