Science, physics and astronomy in schools and communities: experience report


  • Cyntia Cristina Pereira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Lázaro Trancoso Pereira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Thalita Sartori Benincá Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



outreach, scientific education, universities, communities and schools


This article aims to analyze the Extension Project ''Science, Physics and Astronomy in Schools and for Communities'', aimed at communities and elementary and high school students in Domingos Martins, ES. In a critical and reflective way, based on the results achieved, its purpose, methodology, history and insertion in the context of scientific education in the state of Espírito Santo are proposed. It is concluded that the project has the potential to establish a great connection between communities, schools and the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), in addition to providing benefits to the local scientific culture


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C. J. A. Chaves et al., Projetos de Extensão Universitária: Um Compromisso da Universidade com a Inclusão Social, Holos 2, 1 (2019).



How to Cite

C. C. Pereira, L. T. Pereira, and T. S. Benincá, “Science, physics and astronomy in schools and communities: experience report”, Cad. Astro., vol. 5, no. 2, p. 105–110, Sep. 2024.