About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The BJPE is outlined according to the thematic axes developed by ABEPRO and thus focuses on:

- Projects, operations and improvements to the systems that create and deliver the company's primary products (goods or services);

- Techniques for dealing with the main issues involving transportation, handling, stock and storage of inputs and products, aiming at cost reduction, guarantee of product availability, as well as meeting the levels of customer requirements;

- Resolution of real problems involving decision-making situations, through mathematical models usually computationally processed. It applies concepts and methods from other scientific disciplines to the conception, planning or operation of systems to achieve its objectives. Thus, it seeks to introduce elements of objectivity and rationality in the decision-making processes, without neglecting the subjective elements and organizational framework that characterize the problems;

- Planning, design and control of quality management systems that consider process management, the factual approach to decision making and the use of quality tools;

- Set of tools and processes of design, planning, organization, decision and execution involved in the strategic and operational activities of new product development, comprising from the conception to the launch of the product and its withdrawal from the market with the participation of the various functional areas of the company. company.

- Set of knowledge related to the management of organizations, encompassing in its topics strategic and operational planning, production strategies, entrepreneurial management, intellectual property, assessment of organizational performance, information systems and their management and productive arrangements ;

- Formulation, estimation and evaluation of economic results to evaluate alternatives for decision making, consisting of a set of mathematical techniques that simplify economic comparison;

- Project, improvement, implementation and evaluation of tasks, work systems, products, environments and systems to make them compatible with the needs, skills and abilities of people aiming at the best quality and productivity, preserving health and physical integrity. Their knowledge is used to understand the interactions between humans and other elements of a system. It can also be said that this area deals with the technology of the machine - environment - man - organization interface;

- Planning for the efficient use of natural resources in various production systems, the destination and treatment of waste and effluents from these systems, as well as the implementation of an environmental management and social responsibility system.

- Universe of insertion of higher education in engineering (undergraduate, graduate, research and extension) and its related areas, from a systemic approach encompassing the management of educational systems in all its aspects: the training of people (faculty and administrative technician); the pedagogical didactic organization, especially the pedagogical course project; teaching / learning methodologies and means. Due to the characteristics contained in this specialty, it can be considered as "Pedagogical Engineering", which seeks to consolidate these issues, as well as, it aims to present as concrete results of the activities developed, viable alternatives for organizing courses for the improvement of teaching activity, field in that the teacher is already intensely involved without finding an adequate structure to deepen his reflections and investigations.

Peer Review Process

The BJPE uses the traditional “double-blind” evaluation system, in which the referee does not know who the author of the article is and vice versa.

BJPE is a journal whose manuscripts are subject to evaluation by accredited and exempt reviewers, which publishes articles on the topics related to the focus and scope described.

It is important to mention that open electronic journals are journals published on the Internet, whose full articles are immediately available and accessible, serving the interests of the international scientific community. Where there are no costs for publication.

Frequency: Quarterly

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Collection of Fees

The works published in the magazine are open access, do not charge for the access of readers or authors. You should not pay any processing and publication fees for the publisher, website or magazine.

Support Sources


The Postgraduate Program in Energy aims to train qualified human resources at the Master's level in order to study the production, processing of energy, oil and gas, as well as to develop energy efficient materials, technologies and processes.


Promotion and study of the benefits and contributions of the application of coastal management, specifically in economic activities related to fishing and aquaculture, aiming at food security, nutrition, socioeconomic development and increasing the competitiveness of the productive chain and income of the family nuclei intrinsic to the activities exposed above.

The Laboratory for Operational Research, Logistics and Transport (POLT) is intended for practices related to development studies that apply operational research to logistical problems such as, for example, location problems, transportation planning, road system, among others.

Research Group

The development of technical skills and capacities requires the overflow of academic content for research activities and professional practices, promoting the interaction between university and society and the development of the region. In this sense, the Production Systems Management Research Nucleus - NP GSP of the Production Engineering course at CEUNES / UFES develops research and extension activities aimed at the management of production systems and products aiming at quality and productivity in a systemic and innovative, preserving the human being and the environment. The research carried out by the Nucleus should contribute to optimize, within a process of continuous improvement, production systems for gas, oil, ornamental rocks, among other important economic activities in the region.

Journal history

Magazine Created in 2015 with the UFES Publishing and Publishing System. Its creation was due to a demand from the Production Systems Management Research Nucleus (NPGSP), in order to provide scientific and quick access to the academic community in the area of ​​Production Engineering, primarily at CEUNES, but with clear objectives to serve those of interest.