Family farming and distribution of agricultural products: the experience of the sudam branch (Itacoatiara-AM)


  • Emilly Felipe de Lima e Lima Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Rute Holanda Lopes Alves Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Elizângela de Jesus Oliveira Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Alice Nascimento Teixeira Rocha Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
  • Moises Israel Belchior de Andrade Coelho Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM


Rural Producer , Family Farming, Production Flow, Itacoatiara


The economic reality of Brazilian families has always been a problem for the country. For this reason, some families are looking for alternative forms of family support, one of the available options is to use agriculture as a source of income and a means of survival. Most of these families live in rural areas and have their own land suitable for farming, as well as specific natural resources, making family farming an accessible activity. This research aims to study the process of disposal of agricultural production from SUDAM's branch to the Rural Producer Fair located in Itacoatiara-AM, analyzing the forms of transportation and the distribution chain between the farmer and the marketer. The methodology for this study is divided into two phases: the first is the visit to the study location, to identify elements relevant to the research and search for changes that occurred during the established time, and in the second one, data were collected about the means of transport used, storage of the products and analysis of the parameters of the physical distribution of the products.


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Author Biographies

Emilly Felipe de Lima e Lima, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

He has experience in the area of Production Engineering, with emphasis on Project and Product Management, working mainly on the following topics: Itacoatiara, waste management, strategic planning, agricultural production and gym maintenance management.

Elizângela de Jesus Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas. Doctorate in Administration from UNIMEP - UNIVERSIDADE METODISTA DE PIRACICABA and Master in Administration from FPL -FUNDAÇÃO PEDRO LEOPOLDO DE MINAS GERAIS. She holds a degree in Business Administration from UNIMONTES- State University of Montes Claros (2008). Specialist in Instructional Design for Distance Education by UNIFEI- Federal University of ItajubáI. She has experience as a teacher in the Undergraduate Courses of Business Administration, Engineering, and Higher Courses in Logistics Technology, Foreign Trade and Port Management and Human Resources Management. She also works as a Postgraduate Professor in Applied Social Sciences. She has experience as Coordinator of the Center for Distance Education for Higher Education and in the Coordination of Graduate Studies in Public Management. She acts in the Evaluation of several journals and seminars in Brazil in the field of Applied Social Sciences. She is accredited by BASIS / INEP-MEC AVALIADORA of the Undergraduate Business Administration courses, CST in Management Processes and related areas (On-Campus and Distance Learning).

Alice Nascimento Teixeira Rocha, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Graduated in Production Engineering from the Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology of the Federal University of Amazonas. Master's student in Mechanical Engineering at the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She developed works in Product Engineering, Extensometry, Instrumentation and Study of the mechanical properties of materials.

Moises Israel Belchior de Andrade Coelho, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Professor/Researcher at the Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology (ICET/UFAM). Member of the Incubator of the Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology (ICETec), researcher at the Center for Research in Economics, Technology, Management and Innovation (NETGI) and coordinator of the production engineering course at ICET (2019-2021). He holds a degree in business administration from the State University of Amazonas and a master's degree in production engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Author and co-author of more than 100 articles in scientific events and national and international journals in the areas of production engineering and management. Its lines of research are the following topics: Indicators of Engineering, Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I); Ergonomics and safety at work; Production Management, Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, Technological Innovation; and Innovation Management in the Amazon.


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How to Cite

e Lima, E. F. de L., Alves, R. H. L. ., Oliveira, E. de J., Rocha, A. N. T., & Coelho, M. I. B. de A. (2020). Family farming and distribution of agricultural products: the experience of the sudam branch (Itacoatiara-AM). Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(4), 12–24. Retrieved from