Validity and reliability analysis of the Servqual model adapted to supermarket retail




Quality in services, supermarkets, validity, reliability


The instruments used to measure the quality of services provided by a given organization must have favorable properties of reliability and validity, to justify the confidence that is placed in the results they produce. In this sense, this study aimed to present the applicability of the statistical analysis to investigate the validity and reliability properties of the questionnaire provided to evaluate the quality of the services provided by a supermarket located in the city of Aracaju/SE. Based on the scores of 385 consumers, Multiple Linear Regression was applied to verify the validity of the questionnaire, while Cronbach's alpha to analyze the reliability of the questionnaire. In this analysis, it was observed that 78.8% of the variations in the degree of expectation and 80.3% of the variations in the degree of performance reported by consumers can be explained by the variation of the scores obtained in the evaluated dimensions. For the measurement of expectation, the alpha value was 0.87 and for the measurement of performance, it was 0.86. These values were considered satisfactory since the previous coefficients were above the thresholds recommended in the specialized literature. Thus, it is suggested that the questionnaire used to assess the quality of services in the supermarket was consistent and accurate


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Author Biographies

José Wendel dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, UFS

Engenheiro de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Técnico em Segurança do Trabalho pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe (IFS). Bolsista de Iniciação Científica do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Atuou em projetos de pesquisa vinculados ao Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC) e de Iniciação Tecnológica (PIBITI) da UFS. Integra o Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia da Produção (GPEP/UFS). Possui publicações científicas nacionais e internacionais. Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem as seguintes áreas: i) Engenharia do trabalho: Ergonomia, Biomecânica ocupacional e Segurança do trabalho; ii) Engenharia organizacional: Gestão de projetos, tecnologia e inovação; iii) Engenharia da qualidade: Projeto e controle de sistemas de gestão da qualidade.

Odelsia Leonor Sanchez de Alsina, Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa (ITP), Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT),

Graduated in Chemical Sciences - University of Buenos Aires (1976) and Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences - University of Buenos Aires (1984). he did postdoctoral work at the Institut National Polytechnique in Toulouse, France (1992). She was a professor and researcher at the National University of Buenos Aires, the Federal University of Paraíba and the Federal University of Campina Grande. She worked at the Tiradentes University, in the Process Engineering graduate program and as a researcher at the ITP (Institute of Technology and Research. Her main research interest is in the area of Particulate Systems, working especially in the areas of drying, adsorption and others. processes involving fluid dynamically active beds.

Luciano Fernandes Monteiro, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

PhD in Process Engineering from UFCG in 2012. Master in Production Engineering from UFPB in 2005. Specialist in Production Engineering from UFPB in 2002. Specialist in Business Management in the area of Human Resources from UEPB in 1997 and graduated in Business Administration from UEPB in 1989. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Sergipe, in the Production Engineering course. He taught in the following postgraduate courses: Specialization in Business Management-held by FASETE and Specialization in Human Resources with an emphasis on People Management-held by UNEB. In 2010 he was an effective professor at UFPI, teaching in the Business Administration course. In 2009 he was professor of the Production Engineering course at UFRN. He taught at the following faculties: Faculdade de Campina Grande (FAC-CG UNESC) and Faculdade Sete de Setembro (FASETE). He has academic experience in the area of Production Engineering and Administration, teaching the following curricular components: Production Administration, Ergonomics, Total Quality Management, Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Natural Resources Management Systems, Product Engineering, Management of Projects, Occupational Health and Safety, Management of Material Resources, Management Information Systems, Special Topics in OMSI Production Engineering and Business Administration.


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How to Cite

Santos, J. W. dos, Alsina, O. L. S. de, & Monteiro, L. F. (2020). Validity and reliability analysis of the Servqual model adapted to supermarket retail. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(7), 120–132.