Analysis of maintenance outsourcing from the perspective of costs and economic impacts: bibliographic review


  • Ana Luíza Ferreira Mamede Universidade Federal de Goiás, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Engenharia
  • André Alves de Resende Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Catalão



Outsourcing, maintenance, costs


The concept of process outsourcing brings with it, automatically, the idea of economic gain for the contracting company. However, outsourcing involves several important aspects, such as legality, quality, security, availability, among others. In this way, it becomes necessary to evaluate in detail the advantages and disadvantages that will be obtained with the outsourcing process, according to the sector and the activity that will be outsourced, so as to understand how it will impact the company economically. Maintenance activity is usually a middle activity, so it is very common for it to be outsourced. Faced with this, the present work consists of a literature review based on bibliographic research in order to analyze the outsourcing of maintenance with a focus on costs and economic impacts. The results found proved that the outsourcing process will not always be economically advantageous for organizations.


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Author Biographies

Ana Luíza Ferreira Mamede, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Engenharia

Master's student in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). She completed her degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Goiás in March 2018. During her graduation, she carried out a Scientific Initiation project in the area of Production Engineering, subarea of Manufacturing Processes, with a focus on welding. She participated in an extension project in the area of quality. She has publications in symposia, congresses and book chapters. The areas of interest are quality management, production planning and control and logistics. She currently works as a teacher.

André Alves de Resende, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Catalão

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2006), a Master's in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2009) and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2013). He is currently Adjunct Professor IV at the Academic Engineering Unit of the Federal University of Catalão. At graduation, he is a professor and coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering course and a professor in the Production Engineering and Mining Engineering courses. In the Graduate Program he is a professor and advisor in the "Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering". Has experience in Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering, with emphasis on Welding and Machining, working mainly on the following topics: development of hybrid welding processes, MIG/MAG welding, TIG welding, maintenance management and optimization of parameters in welding processes. and machining


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How to Cite

Mamede, A. L. F., & Resende, A. A. de. (2021). Analysis of maintenance outsourcing from the perspective of costs and economic impacts: bibliographic review. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(2), 155–168.

