TTI-110025 spray tip drops spectrum under different working pressures




Uniformity, Application Technology, Droplet Diameter, Efficiency


Hydraulic nozzles with air induction are widely used in spray applications, mainly because they reduce the effect of primary drift. However, there are still questions about the behavior of the droplet spectrum at certain pressures. The objective of this work was to analyze the droplet spectrum of the TTI 110025 air induction tip subjected to different working pressures by means of a laser particle analyzer in a protected environment. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (DIC), represented by the pressures 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 kPa, with four replications. The technical variables analyzed were Dv0.1, DMV, Dv0.9, AR, %V < 100 μm and %V > 500 μm. The TTI 110025 tip showed better results due to the decrease in variables Dv0.1, DMV, Dv0.9 and % V > 500 μm as the working pressure increased. The low value of the variable % V < 100 μm indicated a low risk of drift and the high value % V > 500 μm indicated a high potential for runoff in post-emergence applications. It is suggested to operate the TTI 110025 tip at a pressure of 600 kPa.


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Author Biographies

Jackson Roberto Dias Ribeiro, Federal University of Espirito Santo - UFES

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2000) and specialist in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2012). Master in Tropical Agriculture (UFES/CEUNES), Agricultural Defensive Application Technology research line at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Campos São Mateus. He has experience in the forest sector with an emphasis on forestry activities in the management of implantation, reform and management of eucalyptus, in restoration of forest environments with native species and control of exotic ones. Knowledge and performance in the management of agricultural crops such as papaya, passion fruit and coffee in the northern region of Espírito Santo and extreme south of Bahia.

Luis Felipe Oliveira Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo- UFES

Student of the Agronomy course at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, São Mateus campus (UFES/CEUNES). A member of the Laboratory of Mechanization and Agricultural Defensives (LMDA), he develops research in the area of ​​Technology for the Application of Agricultural Defensives and Foliar Fertilizers with an emphasis on spraying using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on agricultural crops. At Empresa Júnior de Agronomia (UFES/CEUNES)- Projagro, he was a Digital Marketing advisor (2021), then Director of Digital Marketing (2022).

Thales Gomes dos Santos, Federal University of Espirito Santo - UFES

Agronomist Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES/CEUNES). He worked as a digital marketing and human resources advisor at Empresa Junior de Agronomia - Projagro. Currently, studying for a master's degree in Tropical Agriculture at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, São Mateus campus, member of the Laboratory of Mechanization and Agricultural Defensives (LMDA), developing research in the area of ​​Application Technology, with emphasis on aerial spraying of agricultural crops using vehicles unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's).

João Guilherme Pereira Nunes, Federal University of Espirito Santo - UFES

Agronomist from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES/CEUNES) (2023). Master's student in Tropical Agriculture at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES/CEUNES), focused on Application Technology, FAPES scholarship holder. Member of the Mechanization and Agricultural Defensives Laboratory (LMDA). Participation in the Junior Company PROJAGRO-UFES as Project Advisor (2018), Human Resources Advisor (2019), Human Resources Director (2019), Chief Executive Officer (2020), Marketing Advisor (2021). Participation in the Federation of Junior Companies of Espírito Santo, in the Ecosystem Impact team (2021).

Marconi Furtado Ribeiro Júnior, Federal University of Viçosa - UFV

Agricultural Engineer (2011), Master (2013) and Doctor (2016) in Agricultural Engineering (Agricultural Mechanization) from the Federal University of Viçosa (MG). It operates in the areas of Agricultural Mechanization, Agricultural Machine Design, Ergonomics and Safety in Agricultural Machines, Machine-Soil Ratio, Traction Capacity, Application of Agricultural Defensive Products and Testing of Agricultural Machines/Implements.

Edney Leandro da Vitória, Federal University of Espirito Santo - UFES

Agricultural Engineer (1997), Master (1999) and Doctor (2010) in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (MG). Professor in full dedication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Campus São Mateus, Brazil. In teaching, he acts as a professor of Mechanics, Engines and Agricultural Machines for the undergraduate degree in Agronomy and the subjects of Technology for the Application of Agricultural Defensives, Precision Agriculture and Neural Networks Applied in Agriculture in the Postgraduate Program in Tropical Agriculture (PPGAT /UFES). PPGAT/UFES coordinator (2018/2020; 2020/2022 and 2022/2024). Conducts undergraduate and graduate research. Ad hoc consultant for the magazines: CERES, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Coffee Science, Comunicata and Semina. He has experience in Agricultural Engineering, with emphasis on Agricultural Mechanization, working mainly on the following topics: Performance of Agricultural Machines and Implements, Agricultural Defensive Application Technology and neural networks applied to precision agriculture.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, J. R. D., Ribeiro, L. F. O., Santos, T. G. dos, Nunes, J. G. P., Ribeiro Júnior, M. F., & Vitória, E. L. da. (2023). TTI-110025 spray tip drops spectrum under different working pressures. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 9(2), 161–169.