Eternizing the war

the images of the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa




Spanish Civil War, Robert Capa, photography


The article seeks to observe the images that impacted war photography based on the records made by Robert Capa during the Spanish Civil War. Through bibliographic research, the focus of this work is to understand how the conflict contained the ideal conditions to become media-oriented and how Robert Capa created an aesthetic language of war records that remains alive in war images to this day.


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Author Biography

Syntia Alves, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (UNIMES)

Bachelor's degree (2002), master's degree (2005) and doctorate (2011) in Social Sciences from PUC-SP with a doctoral internship at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has experience in the academic field as a teacher and researcher. She participates as a researcher and photographer at Neamp-Center for Studies in Art, Media and Politics (PUC-SP), Iplures-Research Group on Plural Identities and Symbolic Representations (UFABC) and member of the Ìsèse Institute for the Study of Òrìsà Cults and Vodun.


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How to Cite

Alves, S. (2024). Eternizing the war: the images of the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 09–28.


