About the Journal

The PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine, or Revista do Colóquio, appears as a space for publishing articles, experience reports and visual essays carried out in the field of Arts and related areas. Open to receive proposals in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, Coloquio defends the strengthening of an academic community through the intersection of ideas and the maintenance of a critical view on the production of Art.


Call for papers. COL24


The Colóquio magazine receives works with a free theme, within our scope, and in a continuous flow. We are open to sending articles, experience reports, visual essays, translations and reviews.

Submissions must strictly follow the document template and author guidelines. Works that do not follow the standards, both in formatting and in filling out data, will not be considered for evaluation. Therefore, check our guidelines at: https://periodicos.ufes.br/colartes/about/submissions

Submissions made until 11/03/2024 will be considered for the next edition of the Colloquium (No. 24, Dec. 2024).

We invite you to read our latest edition, N. 23, June. 2024.

Read more about Call for papers. COL24

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 23 (2024)
Fotografia abstrata com círculos cinza-escuros desfocados e com rastro de movimento sobre fundo cinza-claro na parte de cima da imagem. Na parte de baixo, fundo cinza chapado. Sobre esses fundos, lê-se, de cima para baixo: COL23.

For this 23rd edition of Revista do Colóquio, we decided to resume receiving submissions with free themes. Until the previous issue, our editions opened calls with specific themes. As a consequence of these calls, some works that did not build a direct dialogue with the set of texts could only be published in subsequent editions. We understand that free calls allow for faster dissemination of research results. In addition to this gain, we can count on the positive side of unpredictability. The diversity of research objects and approaches to the field of arts can make each edition function as a set of doors for the most varied reading interests.

Published: 28-06-2024


  • Eternizing the war the images of the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa

    Syntia Alves
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44381
  • The relationship between corporeality and digital technologies in immersive exhibitions giving new meaning to art and its narratives of communication, language and spectacle

    Sandra Regina Bastos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44355
  • The sertanejo from Os sertões in Deus e o diabo na terra do sol reflections of the aesthetics of violence in a horizon of expectations

    Maria Cláudia Bachion Ceribeli
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44181
  • Body, skins and spiral in Hundertwasser

    João Victor Coser, Cláudia Maria França da Silva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44291
  • Images between life and death reflections from "Resurrection" (1987), by Arthur Omar

    Frederico Franco
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44439
  • Graffiti ways to demarcate the city and redesign the landscape

    Marcelo Mattos Gandini, Jovani Dala Bernardina
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44451
  • “Punk rock is also for fagots” punk aesthetics in Bruce Labruce’s queer cinema

    Vinícius Antônio Batista Reis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44468
  • Sociopolitical activism in urban arts by Miguel Januário

    Roney Jesus Ribeiro, Michele Marques da Silva Mallagutti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.42931
  • Presence of indigenous culture in the artistic scene transculturation and hybrid culture in Latin America

    Jaqueline Torquatro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44469

Experience Report

  • Medi(a)tion

    Iasmim Dala Bernardina Rodrigues, João Victor Silva Fernandes
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44376

Visual essays

  • Between landscapes, the construction of poetics

    Jovani Dala Bernardina, Hugo Bernardino Rodrigues
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44471


  • Art and life the nineties in Buenos Aires

    Francisco Lemus; Rodrigo Hipólito
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44826
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