Gender, Raciality and Art Teaching

devices for dialogue




gender, ethnic-racial relations, art teaching


The excerpt presented for the conference with the same name as the title of this reflection, presented at the 15th Seminário Capixaba sobre o Ensino da Arte, is consistent with the issues that affect the time and space of research, as well as respect for the space of formative meetings and the trajectory that guide me towards the between black-woman-educator-teacher-artist-researcher with the teaching of art as a path of activism and reinvention-re-elaboration through curating as a path of healing in the doctoral process in the Postgraduate Program in Education, in the line of Cotidianos, Redes Educativas e Processos Culturais, at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Gomes Rosa, ProPEd-UERJ

PhD student in Education (ProPEd-UERJ). Educator, researcher of artistic practices and arts teaching for ethnic-racial relations. Teacher at Serra City Hall - ES, Graduate in Visual Arts (UFES), Specialist in Policy for the Promotion of Racial Equality at School (UFOP), Master in Ethnic-Racial Relations from the Postgraduate Program in Ethnic-Racial Relations (PPRER -CEFET/RJ).


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How to Cite

Rosa, T. G. (2024). Gender, Raciality and Art Teaching: devices for dialogue. Farol, 20(30), 134–144.



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