Observatory Of Teacher Training In The Context Of Arts Teaching

Some Reflections





Art Teaching, Textbook, Human formation, Work


The article reflects and analyzes art teaching, learning in Art and teaching work, from a historical-cultural perspective, focusing on the teaching training of Art teachers and contemporary ways of teaching and learning, as well as thinking about issues that permeate the appreciation of teaching. The study is connected to three (3) questions — numbered fifteen (15), eighteen (18) and thirty (30) — which are among the 41 questions answered by 737 Art teachers about the working conditions of Art teachers and the use of textbooks for teaching art. The focus of the article is on human formation, on the memories and experiences of the subjects involved in teaching and learning Art. The main theoretical references used were: Vigotski (2007), to reflect on the processes of mediation between man and the world from a historical-cultural perspective and Brandão (2003), to think about multi-handed research and the processes of teaching and learning without a single holder of knowledge.


Author Biographies

Uillian Trindade Oliveira, UFES

Post-Doctorate in Education from the Faculty of Education at USP. He has a PhD in Education from PPGE / UFES. Graduated in Visual Arts and Pedagogy. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Art and Music Theory at UFES. He is Coordinator of the Plastic Arts course at UFES. Visual Artist.

Maria Angélica Vago-Soares, UFES

Graduated in Art Education and Pedagogy. Master and PhD in Education in the area of ​​Verbal and Visual Languages ​​(UFES-PPGE). Professor of Higher Education, at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), at the Education Center - Department of Culture, Languages ​​and Education, from 2019 to the present date). Participates in the Research group: Images, Technologies and Childhood (GEPITI-UFES) and the Center for Research, Teaching and Extension in Sensible Experience (NUPEEES-UFSB). Member of the Academy of Letters and Arts of Serra/ES. Member of the Early Childhood Education Center (NEDI). Member of the Observatory of Teacher Training in the Scope of Arts Teaching in Latin America. Teacher of children and adolescents from 1991 to 2018. Author of the book: Childhood, Art and Culture: experiences in (with)educational texts, 2015 and of the Children's Story: Quita and Kristal: adventures in a city, 2020. Sub-coordinator of the Pedagogy Board - UFES. Coordinator of the Visual Arts and Education Center of Espírito Santo (NAVEES). Coordinator of PIBID - Visual Arts-UFES (2022/2024).

Fernanda Monteiro Barreto Camargo, UFES

Neuropsychologist, with Post-doctorate, Doctorate and Master in Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Specialist in School Management, Leadership of the 3rd Sector and Mediation in Distance Learning by UFES. Graduated in Artistic Education, Fine Arts (UFES) and Pedagogy. Professor at the Department of Languages, Culture and Education - Education Center (UFES). Leader of the Image, Technology and Childhood Research Group (GEPITI). Coordinator of the Escola da Terra Capixaba Program, researcher at the Observatory for the Training of Arts teachers in Latin America. She develops projects in the areas of Teacher Training, Cultures and Art Teaching. Co-author of the project “Tupiabá: ideas to postpone the end of the world”. Author of the books “Arvore Cor de Rosa” and “Guardiãs e Guardians da Terra e do Céu” in its editions.

Thalyta Monteiro, IFES

PhD and master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo; Specialist in Arts in Education (2008); Specialist in Distance Education Mediation (2011); Graduated in Full Degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2007) Second Degree in Pedagogy (2018); Professor at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. Coordinator of the pedagogy course at IFES - Campus Ibatiba. Member of the Center for People with Specific Needs and the Art and Culture Center. Experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on technologies, childhood, art education and animated cinema.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, U. T., Vago-Soares, M. A., Camargo, F. M. B., & Monteiro, T. (2024). Observatory Of Teacher Training In The Context Of Arts Teaching: Some Reflections . Farol, 20(30), 107–117. https://doi.org/10.47456/rf.v20i30.44157



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