A didactic intervention draft: making mistakes as a path of learning and teaching


  • Fabio Atila Cardoso Moraes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/ Mestrando do Programa de Pós Graduação na Educação Básica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1180-0797
  • Ana Paula da Rocha Silvares UFES




Thinking of error as a way of learning and teaching in school, more specifically, thinking of it in solving mathematical problems is a disquiet that the experience with the didactic proposal "Error: the strategy for success", carried out in 2017, With the dialogical cooperation of the ninth grade class of a Municipal Elementary School, it provoked and made possible. To perceive, to investigate, to experience with others and in ourselves the impressions that the mistakes made in proposed activities have on the school subjects (children and adults).  Is the intention of the movements in this text. Reactions and feelings - negative and failing - constitute a proposal to dialogue in an attempt to stimulate the understanding of “wandering” as a movement for learning, teaching and examining one self. The dialogical exercise takes into consideration Pólya's (1995) Problem Solving method; and the perspectives for reflection and (re) organization of thoughts and the teaching-learning-assessment process (Onuchic, 2011). The methodology used consisted of executing the four steps proposed by Pólya to which a fifth step was added. The biggest challenge of the project was for school subjects to become aware that it is possible to learn through mistakes, thinking, investigating, discovering new alternatives for resolution and re / formulation of concepts. "Can" error "be used as a teaching path?" The purpose here is to think about the possibilities of experimenting with “making mistakes” in the development of learning and teaching problem solving in mathematics… and for life.

Keywords: Error. Problems. Learn. Teach.


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Author Biography

Fabio Atila Cardoso Moraes, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/ Mestrando do Programa de Pós Graduação na Educação Básica

Mestrando em Ensino na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Graduação em Matemática pela Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (2014). Pós-graduação em Matemática Financeira e Estatística - UCAM(2014). Extensão Universitária em Docência da Educação Básica no Ensino da Matemática ESAB -(2014). Atuou como professor de Matemática na Educação de Jovens e Adultos - SEDU/ES - 2007 e 2012. Ministrou aulas de Matemática para Ensino Fundamental e Médio na Escola Santa Clara entre 2012 - 2015. Ministrou aulas em 2016 de Matemática do Ensino Médio no CENTRO EDUCACIONAL TÉCNICO SÃO MATEUS Do ano de 2017 a te a presente data exerce a função de Coordenador de área de matemática na Secretaria Municipal de Educação.





Educação, filosofias, infâncias: filosofar com infâncias, resistir na escola